Wednesday, January 10, 2018

This Was President Trump's 2,000th Lie in Office

What a moment!
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This Was President Trump's 2,000th Lie in Office
What a moment!
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Michelle Williams Made Less Than $1,000 for the All the Money in the World Reshoot. Mark Wahlberg Made $1.5 Million.
Read the room, buddy.
Share on Facebook Michelle Williams Made Less Than $1,000 for the <I>All the Money in the World</I> Reshoot. Mark Wahlberg Made $1.5 Million. Share on Twitter Michelle Williams Made Less Than $1,000 for the <I>All the Money in the World</I> Reshoot. Mark Wahlberg Made $1.5 Million. Share on Pinterest
Created by Esquire for Emirates
Some of the World's Most Interesting Cuisine Is Happening in Dubai
One of New York's hottest chefs on what to eat (and why).
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De Niro Tears into Trump: 'This F*cking Idiot Is the President...the Jerkoff-in-Chief'
Welcome to New York.
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The High-End Sneakers That Won't Break the Bank
Koio's luxe low-tops offer Italian craftsmanship at a price that's tough to ignore.
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The 13 Best Under-the-Radar Travel Destinations for 2018
From the reinvented to the relatively unknown, it's time to plan your next getaway.
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