Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sean Hannity’s Favorite Piece of Trump-Era Art Is Terrifying

It captures the face of a dog that's caught the car.
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Sean Hannity's Favorite Piece of Trump-Era Art Is Terrifying
It captures the face of a dog that's caught the car.
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If Things Go Right at the Oscars, Get Out Will Win Best Picture
What are Jordan Peele's brilliant horror film's chances? Here are our predictions for this year's Oscar winners.
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This Brand Is Thriving Because of the Power of a Truly Great T-Shirt
While other companies falter, Goodlife is going strong with its stylish, stripped-down basics.
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The Wisdom of the Parkland Students
Here are some of their most striking moments at the microphone.
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This New Harry's Ad Offers a Powerful Message About the Meaning of 'Manhood'
A young boy teaches an alien what it means to be a man.
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Maybe Trump Has Been Taking Krav Maga Classes During Executive Time
The president believes he would have "run in" to engage the Parkland shooter without a weapon.
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