Monday, April 09, 2018

Impeachment Is the Republicans' Latest Boogeyman for the 2018 Elections

I can't name a single Democratic candidate who is running specifically on this issue.
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Impeachment Is the Republicans' Latest Boogeyman for the 2018 Elections
I can't name a single Democratic candidate who is running specifically on this issue.
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The Simpsons Fans Are Furious With How the Show Just Addressed the Apu Controversy
Last night's episode directly responded to outrage over the racist character.
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Bucket Hats Are Back. Here Are 10 of the Best.
Get ready for sunny days.
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America's Mayors Are Now Taking on the NRA
An assault weapons ban in a town of 19,000 people caught the NRA's attention.
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Did Scott Pruitt's EPA Lie About Death Threats Against Him?
There might be a problem with the EPA's explanation for some of his lavish spending.
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Aaron Franklin Built the Best BBQ Joint in America by Giving a Damn
His no-bullshit, distraction-free approach to barbecue is why he's the first chef of his kind to win a James Beard.
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