Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Update from Jumia - “We're here to help you #Stayhome”

A message from the Jumia Nigeria CEO

Dear Valued Customer,

Our thoughts are with all those who have been impacted by COVID-19 around the world. As we face the uncertainty of this health crisis, cities getting locked down and people finding themselves in confinement, our mission is more important than ever. We believe that e-commerce platforms like ours, with e-payment and last mile delivery capabilities, are uniquely positioned to be part of Africa’s response strategy to this pandemic. Today, our teams have a critical role, that is delivering essential goods and helping African communities during this challenging time.

We would like to update you on some of Jumia’s actions to support communities in their fight against COVID-19.

Safety and healthy measures

  • Our primary concern is the health and well-being of our teammates, consumers, partners and communities. We have implemented in our daily operations and delivery services increased hygiene standards to ensure the safest experience. These include, but are not limited to, checking employees’ body temperatures, sanitizing facilities and surfaces, using masks and gloves while handling and delivering orders. All our warehouses and delivery partners have been trained on the best practices on personal hygiene and social distancing as per WHO's guidelines.

Contactless delivery option

  • Jumia is uniquely positioned to step up and be part of Africa’s response strategy in this challenging time. We have rolled out social distancing and contactless experience. By enabling customers to buy online and offering contactless delivery options , we help eliminate physical contact and potentially reduce person to person infection.

Alternative payment solutions

Commitment to community
  • We have increased access to affordable basic foods and sanitary essentials. By partnering with thousands of brands, like Reckitt Benckiser, and others, we are able to maintain fair prices and fight against speculation. Jumia has waived the commission on specific sanitary products to help consumers get them at the lowest price.
  • We have maintained our safe deliveries to consumers everywhere, including remote and rural areas, with Jumia’s integrated logistics network. This is important especially for elderly and sick people at home.
  • We have provided a donation of CE certified face masks to Health Ministries in Nigeria, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Morocco, Uganda and others for use by health workers, leveraging the company’s global logistics network from China.
  • We have given the visibility of key health instructions on our platforms. We are collaborating with Ministries of Health in Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Morocco and South Africa by using our online platform to share and amplify the reach of much-needed important health messages.
  • Finally, we would like to thank you for your trust and support in this challenging time.
#Staysafe #Stayhome

Any concerns or queries, please reach out to our Customer Support team. For more information on Health and Safety, please access  WHO Site or your local Ministry of Health's website.


Massimiliano Spalazzi

CEO, Jumia Nigeria

Jumia Global

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