Friday, March 26, 2021

Fox News Is Learning a Hard Lesson

Dominion Voting Systems has filed a $1.6 billion lawsuit against the network over its election-fraud claims.
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Fox News Is Learning That Going Fully Off the Cliff Into Paranoid Delusion Programming Has Its Drawbacks
One side effect of the conservative movement going completely off the cliff into a valley of paranoid delusion is that it presents some legal peril for the people charged with keeping the wheels greased. As soon as it was clear that Donald J. Trump had lost the 2020 election, and that he'd need the seeds of election-fraud conspiracies he'd planted months before to sprout during the transition period so that he could overturn the election and stay in power, it fell to the various inhabitants of the right-wing infotainment ecosystem to feed and stoke the conspiracies. That involved making wildly false claims about voting-machine companies like Dominion Voting Systems, which has led to a number of lawsuits from Dominion against outlets like Newsmax and OANN, as well as lawyerly types like Sydney Powell. Now the list includes The Fox News Channel, against whom Dominion has filed a $1.6 billion lawsuit. Read More
Everlane's Sale Is Stacked With Spring Essentials for Up to 70% Off
Everlane's ongoing sale really is the gift that keeps on giving. The question is what you're in the market for. Need some new T-shirts? A trusty oxford-cloth button-down? New jeans and chinos? How about a rain coat? Check, check, double-check, annnnd check. They're all in the roundup below, along with extremely impressive deals on face masks, a backpack, a candle, and even a cashmere blanket for those still-chilly spring nights. If you haven't started spring cleaning, now might be the time. You'll need space for your new stuff. Read More
Michael Albrecht Was There When John Wayne Gacy Confessed. He Saw Through the Serial Killer's Charm.
Retired officer Michael Albrecht was there for John Wayne Gacy's confession. He was present when Gacy drew a diagram of where the police would find the shallow graves under his home. He was one of the four officers who worked on Gacy's 24/7 surveillance team, and was one that Gacy took a particular liking to. In a new interview with Esquire, Albrecht discusses a number of questions raised in the new documentary—how it was handled by police, how Gacy evaded capture for so long, and if there might have been more victims not attributed to Gacy. Read More
The 2021 Kings of Style
The way we dress now is changing. Old codes are out the window, new ones are still being written, and all around, it's clear that there's no one way to do things anymore. when things are in flux and the answers aren't easy to come by, what's a guy to do? First things first, take a look at the folks on this list, a compendium of the best-dressed celebrities on the planet right now. Here, you'll find everything from new-bohemian badassery and statement-making, capital-"F" fashion to easygoing, everyday outfits that even the most low-key dresser can appreciate. Take a page from any of these guys' style handbooks—or, hell, take one from each of 'em—and you'll be in good shape. Read More
Everlane's Japanese Cotton Oxford Is the All-Seasons Shirt That Doubles as a Security Blanket
"In the Before Times," writes Deputy Editor Ben Boskovich, "I reveled in the perusing of my closet each morning. I flipped through shirts and pants and blazers and shoes like a kid with a binder full of baseball cards. Getting Dressed wasn't just a part of my job, it was (and still is!) part of my identity. Admittedly, I've let the pandemic take that away from me, if only because I know it's temporary. But! About once a week, I do get the itch. And when those moments have struck me over the past 361 days, more often than I'm grabbing any other garment, I'm grabbing a button-down oxford. And more often than I'm grabbing any other oxford, I'm grabbing Everlane's Japanese cotton oxford." Here's why it's what Boskovich reaches for to rise out of the funk. Read More
Where 'Eric Andre' Ends and Eric Andre Begins
If you're a fan of The Eric Andre Show, you already know that most of Andre's humor comes from his ability to be, well, a professional nuisance. Tormenting unsuspecting civilians on his piping hot talk show set (he keeps it hot to keep his guests on their toes), to cramped subway cars, salad bars, and in the middle of running traffic, The Eric Andre Show tends to push people to their social limits–all for a laugh, of course. In Bad Trip, the comedian takes his art form to new heights. But who is he when he's not terrorizing unsuspecting marks for the camera? Read More
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