Thursday, September 27, 2018

Please Show Your Sons Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony

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Show Your Sons Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony
Sexual violence has long been understood as exclusively a women's issue, and written about in publications that cover those. That's because the vast majority of victims are women, and a huge portion of women—one in six in America—is a victim of attempted or completed rape. And men don't often get involved in the conversation at all, or at least until they have a daughter (In the past two years, "As a father of daughters," has become a horrible, meaningless cliché). It's actually, of course, just the opposite. Until we start making its prevention the purview of men and boys, women will keep having to be just as courageous as Dr. Ford. Read More
It's Difficult to Overstate How Unhinged, and Legitimately Scary, That Trump Presser Was
"I was saying things that nobody in the room even understood," said the President of the United States. This was certainly correct, in a sense, though Donald Trump was referring to meetings he'd held with representatives of the Japanese government. It also applied here, in a press conference Wednesday featuring Presidential Monologues that wouldn't have been out of place tumbling out of the mouth of some guy on a street corner, hollering at passing cars. His mind flitted from topic to topic, leaving sentences behind in gnarled fragments with just enough form to expose the virulent impulses that lurked beneath. Read More
A Closer Look at the 'Mojo' Behind L.A.'s Thriving Vintage Scene
Presented by Audi A7
Esquire traveled around the world in search of the groups that take personal style to the peak of its meaning. First stop: Los Angeles. Read More
South Park Perfectly Captures America's Apathy With Multiple School Shootings
Consistently, South Park has been at its best when it addresses gun control. This is because South Park co-creator Matt Stone grew up in Littleton, Colorado, where Columbine kicked off our epidemic of school massacres. In fact, a few years after Columbine, Stone was interviewed by Michael Moore where he discussed the shamelessness and insensitivity of the NRA holding a pro-gun rally in Colorado shortly after the 1999 shooting. That shamelessness seems tame by today's standards, when evil people are harassing and attempting to discredit survivors of school shootings. So, last night's episode wasn't about one school shooting at South Park elementary school—it was about a lot of school shootings. Read More
This Family Guy Episode About Donald Trump Sexually Assaulting Meg Sounds Like an Absolute Nightmare
Family Guy isn't known for nuanced political commentary. In fact, it's not known for subtlety of any kind. Rather, it's better known for racism, homophobia, and rape and fart jokes. It is absolutely not a show equipped to address the complex conversations surrounding sexual assault, the #MeToo movement, and our predator of a president. That's exactly what makes the plot to this Sunday's season premiere sound so terrifying. Read More
10 Clever Details That Set the Volvo XC90 Apart
Volvo touts its XC90 SUV as the first product of the "new Volvo" and the launch of a company-wide rebirth. While Volvo isn't completely flipping the script—by, say, making six-wheeled military motorcycles—the XC90 does represent its first independently developed car since being financially sugar-daddied by Chinese automaker Geely and the model's first clean-sheet redesign in more than a decade. The XC90 also is chock-full of interesting details—a reminder that Volvo still has a unique approach to building luxury vehicles—and these 10 items stood out to us. Read More
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