Monday, September 10, 2018

Woodward Reveals Trump's #MeToo Denial Strategy

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Bob Woodward's Inside Look at Trump's #MeToo Strategy Illustrates the Crisis Facing American Democracy
At least 19 women have accused Donald Trump, American president, of misconduct, but it doesn't seem to matter. So far, he has avoided—fairly easily—the consequences that pretty much every other powerful man accused in the #MeToo wave have eventually faced. Woodward's new book, Fear, reveals his successful strategy for deflecting these allegations. Read More
Dr. Death Botched Dozens of Surgeries. One Victim Shares His Story.
As Philip Mayfield prepared for spinal surgery, he stared into the bright operating room lights and said a silent prayer to God. Then, the anesthesia took over and Philip's world went dark. When he came to eight hours later, a crowd of panicked nurses surrounded his recovery bed. Read More
The 10 Best Shower Curtains for Mildew-Free Bathrooms
It's time to throw that stinky one in the trash. Read More
Ted Cruz Takes Brave Anti-Tofu Stance, Despite Texas Being a Soybean State
This weekend, Ted Cruz amped up his fight against liberals like Beto O'Rourke, the Democratic challenger who's hot on his heels, and it meant warning of encroaching threats like California and tofu. Except there's a big problem with leveling that charge in the state of Texas. Read More
Cardi B's Brawl with Nicki Minaj Didn't Have To Happen
The altercation on Friday night between Cardi B. and Nicki Minaj at the Harper's Bazaar Icons party—where Cardi threw a shoe at Nicki and caught an elbow from a security guard—marked the escalation of a feud that's played out in song lyrics and social media posts. At the root of their rivalry is more than just interpersonal animus, but the misplaced idea that rap only has room for one female star at a time. Read More
Soon Enough the Rio Grande Won't Be a Rio Anymore
Between overuse and the climate crisis, which has reduced the upland snowpack that has fed the river for millennia, the Rio Grande is ceasing to be a river. Read More
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