It may be the picture that does him in. Imagine the Watergate burglars, pausing in the middle of the break-in to take a group shot in Larry O'Brien's office, bugging equipment hanging out of their pockets. The shot of the former president's office floor, with the files marked "TOP SECRET," "SECRET-SCI," and "HOLY SHITE! THIS STUFF IS HOT!" lying on the floor like yesterday's socks, which the Department of Justice helpfully included in its 20-pound dung-hammer of a legal filing late Tuesday night, may go far beyond any bloodless legalisms to demonstrate what a clumsy, careless crook this guy always has been. This is a guy who demanded that his intelligence briefing have pictures. And now a picture of intelligence files may do him in. The irony is so delicious I may have to soak the picture in lemon juice to cut the sweetness.
It may be the picture that does him in. Imagine the Watergate burglars, pausing in the middle of the break-in to take a group shot in Larry O'Brien's office, bugging equipment hanging out of their pockets. The shot of the former president's office floor, with the files marked "TOP SECRET," "SECRET-SCI," and "HOLY SHITE! THIS STUFF IS HOT!" lying on the floor like yesterday's socks, which the Department of Justice helpfully included in its 20-pound dung-hammer of a legal filing late Tuesday night, may go far beyond any bloodless legalisms to demonstrate what a clumsy, careless crook this guy always has been. This is a guy who demanded that his intelligence briefing have pictures. And now a picture of intelligence files may do him in. The irony is so delicious I may have to soak the picture in lemon juice to cut the sweetness. |
| The design takes On's CloudTec cushioning to new heights—and it pays off. |
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By 1913, Longines was marketing a wristwatch with a chronograph function. Soon after, the addition of tachymeter scales around the outside edge of chronographs gave nifty new computational powers to modern movers and shakers who needed to calculate time of flight, fuel consumption, and an array of other useful data. By the 1960s, the modern chronograph became the tool watch for weekend racers and car nuts. This edition of Dialed In, streaming above, dives into the heady world of the chronograph to pick out a handful of iconic timepieces from Omega, Porsche Design, Zodiac, Alpina and TagHeuer, all of which represent great deals across a range of budgets. |
A tech-themed thriller, a guaranteed Pixar classic, and proof multiverse films don't have to be predictable—all right here. |
| Cruise was having a helluva good time in the early 2000s, as these photos prove. |
Geothermal energy is both one of civilization's oldest technologies and, here in modernity, positioned right on the cutting edge. Humans in China and Europe have harnessed hot springs for thousands of years, while the oldest geothermal plant was built in 1911 at Lardarello, Italy. Nowadays, the United States is the world's number-one producer of electricity from geothermal sources, but it still makes up just 0.4 percent of our total electricity generation, and 2 percent of renewables. |
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