Star Trek has predicted it all: Resistance is futile; then I, Robot simply finishes off the prophecy: Artificial intelligence has won, and the age of analog is behind us. Let everything you own—and possibly even yourself, in a dystopian cyberpunk future—be enlisted in the Internet of Things. We've already started easy with smartphones and wearables like smartwatches and smart glasses. But now you're comfortable, and have likely already taken it to the next level by connecting your kitchen to the Internet. Next, you'll be ready for the final stage: Digitizing your whole house with a slew of smart home devices.
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Welcome to Add to Cart, in which Esquire editors tell you about the clothes, shoes, watches, gear, gadgets, booze, and anything else we're coveting right now. - The Editors at Esquire |
Star Trek has predicted it all: Resistance is futile; then I, Robot simply finishes off the prophecy: Artificial intelligence has won, and the age of analog is behind us. Let everything you own—and possibly even yourself, in a dystopian cyberpunk future—be enlisted in the Internet of Things. We've already started easy with smartphones and wearables like smartwatches and smart glasses. But now you're comfortable, and have likely already taken it to the next level by connecting your kitchen to the Internet. Next, you'll be ready for the final stage: Digitizing your whole house with a slew of smart home devices. |
Send your self-care into the stratosphere with these must-have creams, goops, tools, and more. |
| Deals on men's style, appliances, furniture, and mattresses will help you go out with a bang. |
Just like the old man himself, the New Balance 990 deserves a round of applause. |
| This list has Stephen King, Cormac McCarthy, and a cultural history of butts. What more could you want? |
I self-describe my music taste as rather eclectic. My non-discriminating appetite for music is thus my greatest pride—so long it's good, I'll listen. However, I sing a different hymn when it comes to the best headphones. That's where I decidedly show my fussiness, because listening to the greatest song of all time with a pair of not-so-impressive-sounding earbuds is equivalent to listening to Delta's put-on-hold music. Yeah, I draw my fine line there, which is why even though I've had my fair share of world-class headphones, I've never felt satisfied. It wasn't until Beats Fit Pro graced my ears that I saw the light and realized: So this is how music should be listened to. | |
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