Monday, February 13, 2023

Are the Super Bowl Jesus Ads Really So Bad?

Jesus has never been the issue in American Christianity. The trouble usually comes when church leaders start freelancing, and they've done a lot of that over the years. When, in this belief system, God Himself came down to Earth in the form of a man, that man said exactly nothing about abortion, and not much about homosexuality, either. These just weren't priorities for Him, it seems, though they've been close to #1 and #2 for his disciples in America since the 1970s. In recent times, Evangelical leaders have also added militant hostility to immigrants, as if Jesus would be a big proponent of the Big, Beautiful Wall, alongside the notion that He'd be a fan of semiautomatic rifles. Which is why I, personally, have found the "He Gets Us" ad campaign that culminated with a couple of Super Bowl spots to be a net positive.

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