Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Family That Makes 'Succession' Look Tame

The first rule of media industry scandals is that however ugly it appears from the outside, it's actually much worse on the inside. The second rule is that the full, sordid story will eventually out. Both rules are affirmed by Unscripted: The Epic Battle for a Media Empire and the Redstone Family Legacy, an explosive new page-turner by New York Times reporters James B. Stewart and Rachel Abrams. The authors are an improbable pair. But their different tastes and skill sets complemented each other perfectly as they broke story after story about CBS CEO Les Moonves and a coverup of sexual misconduct allegations. Now, they've expanded on their reporting in Unscripted, which details the deterioration of sex-obsessed media mogul Sumner Redstone and a multi-part battle for control of his companies, CBS and Viacom.

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