Monday, February 27, 2017

Someone Finally Took Responsibility For the Huge Oscars Screw Up

Only two people know the names of the winners before they're read onstage.
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Someone Finally Took Responsibility For the Huge Oscars Screw Up
Only two people know the names of the winners before they're read onstage.
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Denzel Washington's Reaction to Casey Affleck Was Fitting
Share on Facebook Denzel Washington's Reaction to Casey Affleck Was Fitting Share on Twitter Denzel Washington's Reaction to Casey Affleck Was Fitting Share on Pinterest
Created by Esquire for Hugo Boss
3 Ways to Look Like a Style Star During Awards Season
Even if you're not getting your photo taken on the red carpet.
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Will the Real Warren Beatty Please Shut Up?
Yes, he is handsome. Yes, he has lots of girls. Yes, he can act. Nevertheless...
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Jimmy Kimmel's Most Important Moment in His Opening Monologue Wasn't a Joke
Of course he got to his Matt Damon feud, too.
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Prepare for Trump Fans to Turn on President George W. Bush
How dare he defend the free press!
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