Friday, March 17, 2017

This Is the Ending Conservatives Always Wanted

You can draw a straight line from Reaganomics to Trump's budget.
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This Is the Ending Conservatives Always Wanted
You can draw a straight line from Reaganomics to Trump's budget.
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Don Lemon Roasted Sean Spicer with a Choice Billy Madison Reference
"Everyone in this room is dumber for having listened to that."
Share on Facebook Don Lemon Roasted Sean Spicer with a Choice <I>Billy Madison</I> Reference Share on Twitter Don Lemon Roasted Sean Spicer with a Choice <I>Billy Madison</I> Reference Share on Pinterest
Seven Influential Filmmakers Whose Careers Were Launched by Federal Funds
In President Trump's America, Quentin Tarantino might not have been.
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Time Changes Everything, Eventually Even Spoon
The most consistent rock band of the 21st century returns transformed after a turbulent year.
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What Trump's Proposed Budget Cuts Would Really Mean for Meals on Wheels
It's not quite how it seems—but it's still not good.
Share on Facebook What Trump's Proposed Budget Cuts Would Really Mean for Meals on Wheels Share on Twitter What Trump's Proposed Budget Cuts Would Really Mean for Meals on Wheels Share on Pinterest
Just How Much of a Sh*t Show Is St. Patrick's Day?
Whatever you do, do not drive.
Share on Facebook Just How Much of a Sh*t Show Is St. Patrick's Day? Share on Twitter Just How Much of a Sh*t Show Is St. Patrick's Day? Share on Pinterest
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