Friday, February 01, 2019

Dumb on TV and Proud of It

The genius crew at Fox & Friends echoes the president to say climate change isn't real because it's cold outside.
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Why Are These People So Proud to Be Dumb on Television?
We live in the dumbest time in history. Certainly, there were times when human beings had less knowledge. But now we have more information at our fingertips than our ancestors could possibly have imagined, and we have chosen instead to promote stupidity in general, and our society's biggest dipshits specifically. Ignorance is a virtue, expertise is elitism, and the president's favorite teevee show features professional morons tasked with making sure the elderly caucasians tuning in each morning are all jumped up on resentful liberal-bashing so they'll stay tuned in for more resentment programming throughout the day. Anything is fair game if it Owns The Libs. Friday's addition to the oeuvre was a real doozy. Read More
This Administration* Is Playing Russian Roulette for Idiots
Scotching the INF Treaty is such a bad idea that you have to wonder whether or not the administration* is doing the Putin government another favor. If Putin lards up his western frontier with new generations of intermediate missiles, what will this administration*'s response be? Bolton will want to arm up in equal measure. The president*'s truckling to the Russian president will collide with that. What does Bolton think the "global responsibilities" of the United States actually are? Can't anyone here play this game? Which way to the basement? Read More
Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson Make an Appearance in True Detective's Next Episode
Some fans have speculated that Season One and Season Three of True Detective take place in the same universe, which the show's producers have more or less confirmed. Now, in the upcoming fifth episode of the season, True Detective includes another nod to its first season—this time showing the actual faces of Matthew McConaughey's Cohle and Woody Harrelson's Martin Hart. Read More
This Star Wars Paradox Is Ripping the Marvel Cinematic Universe Apart
When Marvel introduced noted Star Wars fan Peter Parker into its Cinematic Universe, it also presented something of a hilarious paradox in the billion dollar movie franchise. We've seen a few instances of Parker noting his Star Wars fandom, which makes sense. He's a high school nerd who'd obviously be into Star Wars like a ton of kids his age. But, here's the problem: The trailers for the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home show Parker and his buddy Ned meeting Nick Fury for the first time. What happens when they realize that Nick Fury looks a lot like Mace Windu from Star Wars? Read More
Jeffrey Wright Wants the World to Know Uncle Nearest's Contribution to American Whiskey
Nathan Green almost disappeared into history. Green was a slave on the property of a preacher and distiller named Dan Call—a man who, for many years, widely enjoyed credit for teaching a young Jack Daniel how to make whiskey. At least, that was the official story. Whiskey people, especially those in the orbit of Jack Daniel's distillery, knew the truth: It was Green, "Nearest" as he was nicknamed, who taught young Jack how to make what would become a best-selling whiskey. He's now credited as Jack Daniel's first master distiller—Daniel is listed as its second—and has a whiskey of his own, Uncle Nearest 1856 Premium Whiskey, which debuted in 2017. And on Super Bowl Sunday, Green's namesake spirit is launching its first national campaign. Read More
Outside Is Too Cold. Your Office Is Too Hot. A Cardigan Is Just Right.
We're in what you'd call "layering season." You know, the time of year when you pile on heaps of stuff to prevent frostbite, wind chill, pneumonia, and all those other fun, cold-weather things. Being warm and cozy is nice, especially when you're braving the elements outside, but once you've settled in at the office or at home, the danger of overheating is real. That's where a cardigan comes in. Here are our favorites out there right now. Read More
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