Friday, February 15, 2019

Trump's 'National Emergency' Is Purely Dictatorial

It is an abuse of power. It is an assault on Congress's Article I powers. Mitch McConnell is complicit.
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Trump's 'National Emergency' Is a Purely Dictatorial Action
The president* stood outside the White House on Friday and declared a national emergency at our nation's southern border. His speech was incoherent in thought, contemptuous of intellect, insane with bloodlust, and completely detached from anything that would be recognizable as reality even in Bedlam. Centuries after we ran a mad king off these shores, we now have one of our own. Read More
Here's What Trump's 'National Emergency' Is Really About, and What It Ignores
The entire basis for declaring an emergency—that there are drugs and gangs and hordes of undocumented people pouring over the border in a World War Z invasion—is completely fabricated. It is not real. It is a purely political move to shore up his support with The Base, whom he seems to believe are the only Americans he truly represents as president. There is, however, an actual humanitarian crisis at the southern border. Read More
Star Wars Fans Are Already Trying to Kill Rian Johnson's New Trilogy
Star Wars Fans fans have made the latest trilogy in the beloved sci-fi saga a living hell, to say the least. Between racist attacks and toxic fandom, the conversation surrounding the latest three movies in the Star Wars franchise has become a disease. Having endured the last four years of Star Wars Fans trolls, it's time to prepare for whatever fresh hell awaits us next. And this week we got a little look into that future. Read More
In Amazon vs. New York, There Are Losers, and There Are Losers
Any way you look at it, Amazon screwed the people of New York. There are some that bemoan that loss. Thomas J. Grech, president and CEO of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, told Esquire's Sarah Rense that he felt "sadness and dismay." In the end, it was the rich people who got screwed the most, and that was celebrated. It turns out some in Queens did just that—complete with a Jeff Bezos piñata. Read More
Bill Weld Has What Any Republican Needs to Primary Trump: He Doesn't Give a Damn
Weld, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts, is exploring a primary run against Trump. There are problems with his record. His time as U.S. attorney coincided with some of the bloodiest moments in the unholy alliance between the late gangster Whitey Bulger and the Boston office of the FBI. And he does tend to, well, lose interest in things. But he has one thing that is a prerequisite for anyone planning to run against El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago—Bill Weld truly doesn't give a damn. Read More
Dylan Sprouse Just Nailed the Trifecta of Cold-Weather Style
There's plenty of envy to had upon observing Sprouse's on-the-go fit. First of all, there's that shearling aviator jacket. At this point, if you're a stylish celebrity on the street, you've got to get photographed in one of these things. Sprouse knows that's a given, so he leaned into cozy by pairing it with a not-quite-white turtleneck. But that wasn't his biggest move of the day. Read More
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