Friday, July 05, 2019

Trump's July 4th Speech Proved He Knows Nothing About History, and Cares Less

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Trump Showed Off All His Favorite Toys At His Soggy Military Parade
In a portion of his speech that addressed the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, Trump said that, "our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do." But by the War of 1812, the invention of air travel was still a century away. Read More
Susan Was Seinfeld's Most Tragic Character. Today, She Teaches Ukulele.
For 28 episodes over five years, the Seinfeld writers tortured poor Susan, which made her the consummate partner for sad sack George. But in the real world, the cast didn't like the actress much more than their fictional counterparts. In fact, it was Julia Louis-Dreyfus who suggested killing off the character after finding actress Heidi Swedberg hard to work with, according to interviews with Jason Alexander over the years. But Swedberg has been left out of the conversation completely. She hasn't spoken publicly about Seinfeld since she was written off the show, and she's since left Hollywood behind completely. Esquire's Kate Storey spent days trying to track Swedberg down to hear her side of the story, because it's been three decades since the premiere of Seinfeld—and it's time the show's most tragic character gets a much-deserved second look. Read More
Very Bright Shorts Will Transform Your Summer Outfits
Every season comes with a few clothing options that make getting dressed for the impending hellscape that is the outdoors bearable. This summer, that answer is shorts—ones that are bright, bold, and preferably athletic, because fun and because comfort. Read More
Yes, There Is a Right Way to Use Sunscreen. This Is It.
It's officially summer. Do you know where your sunscreen is? Answering that question with anything other than "on my skin right now" is...not the right answer. At the risk of sounding like your mother, you must wear sunscreen. At the risk of sounding like your doctor, you must wear it every day. It's worth making sure you're using sunscreen correctly, too. Proper application, upkeep, and exposure ensure the product is doing its work well. Here's how to get the most out of your sunscreen and make sure you're protected on and off the beach. Read More
10 Video Games That Perfectly Capture the Spirit of Summer—While Letting You Stay Firmly Indoors
The summer is a fantastic time to play video games. Many of us can recall fondly those days in July and August after school ended, waking up on a particularly humid morning while everyone else was still asleep, and setting up in the basement to play through some levels of GoldenEye on the N64. Being outside is great, sure. But when it's too hot, and there are lawn mowers everywhere, and mosquitoes are biting you constantly, the outside world can be hell. We're rounding up our 10 favorite games to play in the summer, old and new, with a heavy emphasis on the titles that drew us together as kids—and continue to give us an excuse to avoid the heat to this day. Read More
This Week's Biggest Sneaker Releases, and Where to Get Them
It's a holiday week, which means most sneaker releases are on break, too. Really, the talk of the week was a now-pulled pair of Nike Air Max 1s, which had an old (and highly controversial) American flag printed on the heel. Colin Kaepernick reportedly influenced the brand's decision to pull the plug on them. Controversy aside, this week has a few but mighty releases. Read More
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