Wednesday, September 04, 2019

These Perfectly Fitted Pants Took Years to Find

Here's why he thinks they live up to their lofty name—and why you should buy them.
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The Endorsement: It Took Me Years to Find These Perfectly Fitted Pants
After a long search, Esquire editor Matt Miller came across the Master Pant from Carhartt Work In Progress, the workwear pioneer's division that makes a younger, streetwear-adjacent product. Here's why he thinks they live up to their lofty name. Read More
A Decade of Music Is Lost on Your iPod. These Are The Deleted Years. Now Let Us Praise Them.
"If you ask me to name my favorite songs from 2007, I might need to use a lifeline," writes Dave Holmes. The music of the mid-aughts to early-teens is largely gone, lost down a new-millennium memory hole. There is a moment that whizzed right past us with no cassettes, discs, or Shazam queries through which to remember it. These are the Deleted Years, and we need to start honoring this period, right now, before we forget it forever. Read More
Did Robert Pattinson Just Leak That His Batman and Joaquin Phoenix's Joker Will Cross Over?
Expectations are high for the upcoming Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix. The film received an eight-minute standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival over the weekend, and reviews already have it pegged as a possible early Oscar contender. But beyond that, the future of the DC movie universe is really starting to look bright, with Robert Pattinson signed on to be the next Batman. Now, in one of his first interviews after accepting the bat role, Pattinson made a tiny slip-up that has fans thinking his Batman will share a universe with Phoenix's Joker. Read More
The 40 Most Famous TV and Movie Mistakes of All Time
Even the most talented directors, showrunners, and actors make mistakes every once in a while. From shows like Game of Thrones and Stranger Things to famous films like Pulp Fiction and Star Wars, plenty of errors have slipped through the cracks—and these are some of the most unbelievable. Read More
The 15 Best Affordable Places to Shop Online
Shopping on the internet is full of infinite possibilities. You can go to any store you want without leaving your couch, standing in a line, or facing any other real human being at all. It's a delight! It also means you can access deals and discounts as soon as they're available. And, of course, you can shop around without having to actually move around. With all that in mind, here are the 15 affordable online menswear resources every guy should have on his radar. Read More
These 25 Photos Show the Devastating Wrath of Hurricane Dorian
Hurricane Dorian was a Category 5 storm as it slammed into the Bahamas Sunday with sustained winds at 110 mph. The islands sustained massive flooding, downed trees, and destroyed homes. By late Monday, the Royal Bahamas police force confirmed five deaths from the storm. "We are in the midst of a historic tragedy. Downtown Grand Bahama is under three feet of water, including the ground floor of its hospital and the prime minister's office," Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said at an evening news conference, the New York Times reported. "Our focus is search, rescue and recovery. I ask for your prayers for those in affected areas and for our first responders." Now, Florida braces for Dorian. As of Tuesday morning, the storm was a Category 2, according to the National Hurriance Center, and expected to move "dangerously close" to Florida's east coast, CBS News reports. Evacuations were ordered for parts of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Read More
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