Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trump’s Ukraine Business Is the Beginning of the End

Something has shifted in the political tectonics.
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Donald Trump's Ukraine Business Is the Beginning of the End
This has to be the beginning of the end. The House Democrats, slower than molasses up until this point, suddenly have been transformed into quick drying cement around the president*'s ankles. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut now has come close to calling for an impeachment inquiry; she is a close friend and closer ally to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, so that's a signifying development, as is the op-ed signed by seven rookie Democratic congresscritters from toss-up congressional districts, all of whom, significantly, have experience in the national security apparatus, in which they call for investigations to intensify. The Ukraine business has shifted something in the political tectonics. The slippage has begun in earnest, on one side of the aisle, anyway. Read More
Fox News Flipped Out About Greta Thunberg to Avoid Talking About Trump's Crimes
Now that it appears Nancy Pelosi and her House Democratic Caucus will be forced to do their duty and defend the Constitution, the president and his allies can be expected to generate a hurricane of insane bullshit that will make 2016 look like a Quaker meeting. Yes, it appears Donald Trump, American president, may face impeachment proceedings over his flagrantly lawless conduct with the president of Ukraine, in which he welcomed another foreign power to interfere on his behalf in an American election, once again betraying the American national interest in favor of his own. He and his apparatchiks on Fox News and beyond have responded, in part, by trying to ridicule a 16-year-old. Read More
The First Uncut Gems Trailer Shows Why Adam Sandler Is Already Getting Early Oscar Buzz
After getting snubbed at the Oscars for his critically acclaimed performance in 2017's The Meyerowitz Stories, Adam Sandler looks like he has another run at awards season this year. On Tuesday, A24 released the new trailer for Uncut Gems, the story of a New York jeweler who is always on the "lookout for the next big score." And by the looks of the trailer, and early reviews, this might finally be the movie to bring Sandler to Hollywood's biggest night. Read More
Prince Harry Stepped Out in Yet Another Affordable J.Crew Suit
Royals: They're not like us! Unless you have a pack of photographers documenting your every move and a cast of hangers-on gossiping to the tabloids about it—oh, and your grandmother is the actual Queen of England—there is not much in the average guy's life that approximates the existence of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. Except, that is for one very specific thing: J.Crew's Ludlow suit. Read More
George Lucas Felt Upset and Betrayed When Disney Wouldn't Use His Ideas For the New Star Wars Trilogy
You have to imagine the last few years have been tough on George Lucas. Yes, he's sitting on a mountain of money (a modest $6 billion), but Star Wars—his creation that changed science fiction and movies as a whole—has been put in the hands of a massive corporation to see his vision forward without his creative control. To be clear, it's hard to feel too bad for him given the whole $6 billion thing, but still, it's likely not the most enjoyable situation to be in with Disney. And in Disney CEO Bob Iger's memoir The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company, he reveals that Lucas felt upset and betrayed when he was informed that the House of Mouse would be going in a different direction with his franchise. Read More
25 Sweaters to Get You Ready for a Wildly Stylish Winter
All "sweater weather" jokes aside, the colder months really are the best time for men's style. And, well, a huge part of that is sweaters. From crewnecks and V-necks to turlenecks and cardigans—all of which you should own, by the way, because they're all very useful in their own specific ways—they let you add all kinds of great texture and color to your wardrobe. Plus, they keep you warm. A bunch of options recently hit shelves, and because distinctive sweaters are having a bit of a moment right now, you can't expect the coolest ones to stick around for long. Here are 25 of our favorites to buy now and wear until spring arrives. Read More
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