Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Under-$200 Watch to Gift Yourself This Year

The smash-hit diver deserves a spot in every watch-lover's rotation.
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The Q Timex Is Perfect for Everyone on Your List (Including You)
It's been just about a year and a half since the good folks at Timex decided to delve into the archives and reissue a design from 1979 known as the Q Timex, setting off a veritable frenzy in the process. We've lost count of how many times the OG from the now-expanded collection—the "Pepsi" colorway with the red-and-navy bezel and navy dial—sold out and was restocked, but at this point it's reliably available to anyone who happens to be in the market. Which brings us, dear reader, to you. Yes, you! You are the person who should be in the market. Why? Let us tell you all about it. Here's Style Director Jonathan Evans on why it's earned our latest Esquire Endorsement. Read More
The Best Plot Twists in Movie History
A good plot twist is, ideally, one you never see coming. But that's also such a narrow way to think about twists in film. Realistically, a good twist isn't that dissimilar from a good roller coaster: even if you see it coming, you're filled with anxiety and fear and excitement knowing what's to come. For this list, there's a mix of the two—the blindsides and the slow burns. No matter what your taste is, there's a film around to whet your appetite. Oh, and just in case we didn't imply it already? Big spoilers ahead. Read More
The 30 Best Weed Gifts for Occasional Smokers and Dedicated Stoners
A chef can't prep food without knives. A dancer can't perform without shoes. A painter can't create art without brushes. And the stoner in your life can't possibly enjoy marijuana to the fullest without the latest and greatest in weed paraphernalia. And believe us: There's lately been a lot of great developments. (No, we're not just talking about New Jersey.) These 30 gifts will help any kind of cannabis-partaker elevate their experience to new … heights. Read More
Everything You'll Need to Make Cold Weather Running Bearable in the Dead of Winter
Winter running is a challenge: You can't just leave your home when it's 25 degrees outside with wind and start jogging. Temperatures in the 30s and below tend to lock up your body and turn your extremities into icicles, causing stiff joints and tightened muscles, so cold weather running requires special preparation. That way, you can perform well, prevent injuries, and actually enjoy it. First, a quick note: At a certain point, it's actually too cold to run. For instance, when it's zero degrees with wind chill, like it often is in Denver where I live. I recommend against that for legitimate health reasons, like hypothermia, frostbite on exposed areas, and increased chance of heart attack (if you're at risk). It's just not worth it. But if it's not too painfully cold and you want to run on asphalt under the open sky—it sure as hell beats sitting inside doing nothing—then all it takes is some proper prep. Read on for tips so you don't freeze your ass off when it's brick outside—plus, some stuff to buy to help your effort. Read More
The 55 Best Tech Gifts for Everyone on Your Shopping List
The world is 99.9 percent made up of technology. Well, not quite. But some days, it sure as hell feels that way, from the smart wearables we strap to our bodies to the smart home devices we place throughout our living spaces. Now, let's add some more and get that percentage up to 100. There are plenty of cool tech gifts and gadgets to buy for folks in 2020, from your nephew who just started middle school to your techie spouse to your tech-adverse grandpa. Here are 55 of the best. Read More
The 50 Best Gifts That'll Impress Any Guy
Men are notoriously difficult to shop for. There's the husband who already bought himself everything he wants. The boyfriend with mercurial tastes. The son who completely blanked and forgot to send you his wish list. The dad who insists that believe him, he's quite happy with nothing at all, as if that's a viable option. Pains in asses, the lot of them. However, all is not lost. Here we've collected a master list of the 50 best gift ideas for men—men who like sneakers and watches, men who like tinkering with smart tech, men who like roughing it outdoors or lounging around the house. Finding that gift, especially if it's a holiday gift meant to brighten the end of an otherwise crap year, suddenly feels a lot less daunting. Read More
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