Thursday, November 19, 2020

Why Trump May Need to Be Impeached (Again)

The president will not stop trying to steal the election. At the very least, he will do untold damage to the country leading up to January 20.
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Trump May Need to Be Impeached and Removed Before Inauguration Day
Now that Donald Trump, the President of the United States, is personally "reaching out" to members of a Michigan election board as part of a larger plot to simply throw out the results of an election he lost by a comfortable margin, maybe we can stop pretending this is just a public tantrum we can allow to burn out until he falls into a fevered nap. That his allies believe the president must be approached like a spoiled toddler is itself an indication of our national decline, and an indictment of all the lackeys who've worked so hard to make this state of affairs possible. But his campaign is also in court asking a judge to simply nix the election in Pennsylvania and give him the Electoral Votes. This is not just another meltdown to be managed, as we all try to dodge the toys he's throwing out of the crib. Politics Editor Jack Holmes argues that Trump should be removed from office for crimes against the American republic. Read More
Brad Pitt's Low-Key Fit Is Exactly What We Need Right Now. Here's How to Get It.
Brad Pitt inconspicuously helping out those less fortunate than him is nice on many levels, but it's especially nice taken in the context of the man's tremendous fit. With his long, untamed mane and general air of imperturbable nonchalance, Brad sort of looks like the seen-it-all lunch lady who used to hook you up with an extra serving of potato wedges before retiring to the back of the school to chain-smoke Marlboro Reds and shoot the shit with your gym teacher. In other words, he looks fantastic. What's not to like here? It's Brad Pitt in a thrashed flannel and destroyed jeans doing his best to restore some semblance of basic human decency to a world sorely lacking it—and enjoying a hard-earned cigarette every hour or so in the process. Here's what to grab to recreate his look yourself. Read More
Why Harry's New, Sharper Blades Are Still as Low as $2 Each
In Partnership with Harry's
Your 8th shave is as smooth as your 1st, according to guys shaving 4 times a week. See for yourself. Read More
55 Gifts Your Wife Will Truly Love
You want to get your wife something nice. Easier said than done, right? Her style is too good, and her interests too complex, for you to even begin to narrow down the overwhelming options. But when you are completely bereft of ideas, there's absolutely no shame in asking for a suggestion. And that's what we're here for: to lead you in the right direction so you choose the best possible present to give the most important woman in your life. Read on for the greatest gifts for your wife, from high-fashion picks that'll seriously impress her, to home decor she'd never splurge on herself, to tech she'll use every single day. You'll knock it out of the park—a top candidate for all-time best husband of the century. Read More
The Portable Beer Keg You'll Make Great Use Of These Days (You Know Why)
Draft beers from the bar ain't what they used to be. Because, in 2020, absolute slog of a year that it's been, bars aren't pulling draft beers. They're asking you to pop open beer can tabs, if they're serving any beer at all. They're being safe. They're just trying to stay open. One teeny percentage of the price to pay for our fellow humans being dangerously idiotic is the loss of beer on draft. Teeny, but noticeable. The loss of beer in its crispest, most conversation-complementing form straight-up sucks. But this is a fixable problem, at least on the home front. Actually, now that you mention it, on the safely-on-the-go front, too. That fix comes in the form of a GrowlerWerks portable keg, which uses CO2 capsules to preserve beer and dispense it fresh. This is certainly something to toast with, and to. Read More
We Desperately Need the Phony Uplift of Holiday Music
For those of us who have a fraught relationship with holiday music, it boils down to its ubiquity. Its absolute inescapability. The mandatory cheer of it all. It assaults your ears from every speaker in every public space. It greets you at the grocery store, it jabbers in your ear for the full duration of every taxi ride, it sends you off at the train station or the airport and welcomes you at your destination. Wherever you go, it will be there with sleigh bells on, and it will shake those little bastards right in your ear. It is oppressive. But you're not going anywhere this year. If you're going to be oppressed by holiday music, you're going to have to oppress yourself. Here's why Esquire's Dave Holmes suggests you do it right away. Read More
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