Friday, November 18, 2022

A Scotch-Fueled Talk With Nick Offerman

If there's one thing Nick Offerman and Ron Swanson, his breakout-role on Parks and Recreation can agree on it's this: the inherent joy of kicking back a quality glass of scotch. Of course, they agree on much more: While wildly different personality-wise (the real Offerman is affable and open-minded compared to the stubborn-curmudgeon Swanson), both have an affinity for wood-working, nature, and steak. But it's the scotch that burns, literally and figuratively, warmest in their bellies. Over a glass of his very own libation, Offerman spoke to Esquire about topics one absolutely should—must?—speak about while swirling a glorious glass of brown-hued heaven: his passions, scotch, farm-culture, and the author Wendell Berry.

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