Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Anthony Bourdain Says the 'Smug, Self-Congratulatory Left' Caused Trump's Victory

He calls out Bill Maher, in particular.
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Anthony Bourdain Says the 'Smug, Self-Congratulatory Left' Caused Trump's Victory
He calls out Bill Maher, in particular.
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How Will Star Wars Move Forward Without Carrie Fisher?
Disney could receive a $50 million insurance payout.
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The Rules of Getting Lean for 2017 in 17 days
Seven rules so you can follow through on that resolution.
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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Addresses the 'Insidious Darkness' of The Bachelor
Good morning!
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Trump's Victory Led Mexican Immigrants to Send Home a Record Amount of Cash
Some are afraid he'll ban them from doing so.
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Why Director Ava DuVernay Refuses to Lose Hope
The 'Selma' and '13th' director says that we must look to history to guide us through our imminent future.
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