Tuesday, January 31, 2017

These 'Rogue' White House Accounts Are Just Liberal Bait

We all want to believe things we already agree with.
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These 'Rogue' White House Accounts Are Just Liberal Bait
We all want to believe things we already agree with.
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The Chainsmokers Are the Nickelback of EDM
The duo brings all the worst cliches of the genre, and just might destroy it.
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Anthony Bourdain's Latest Trump Burn Takes Aim at His Hands
And his inability to use chopsticks.
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In the Eyes of Jeff Sessions, Sally Yates Did Her Job. Here's Proof.
Two years ago, Sessions asked Yates if she would disobey the president to defend the Constitution.
Share on Facebook In the Eyes of Jeff Sessions, Sally Yates Did Her Job. Here's Proof. Share on Twitter In the Eyes of Jeff Sessions, Sally Yates Did Her Job. Here's Proof. Share on Pinterest
The Acting Attorney General Refuses to Defend Trump's Muslim Ban
And President Trump responded on Twitter.
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Getting Fat Is Awesome, Just Ask Ricky Gervais
"Big bones covered in meat and gravy."
Share on Facebook Getting Fat Is Awesome, Just Ask Ricky Gervais Share on Twitter Getting Fat Is Awesome, Just Ask Ricky Gervais Share on Pinterest
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