Monday, January 23, 2017

Dan Rather's Plea to Republicans: 'Facts and the Truth Are Not Partisan'

Trump's first weekend in office was jarring.
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Dan Rather's Plea to Republicans:
'Facts and the Truth Are Not Partisan'
Trump's first weekend in office was jarring.
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Here's How Much Money You Should Save by Age 30, According to Experts
Get ready to be depressed.
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Don't Be Surprised When Arrival Gets an Oscars Best Picture Nomination
We predict the major categories at the 2017 Academy Awards.
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This Was Bigger Than All of Us
A long, beautiful Saturday at the Women's March on Washington.
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The xx Are Still Coming to Terms With Being Happy
That process led to I See You, its triumph of a third album.
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The Title For 'Star Wars Episode VIII' Is Pretty Damn Ominous
Who is the last Jedi?
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