Monday, April 22, 2019

Arya’s Big Game of Thrones Sex Scene Was Totally Unnecessary

The White Walkers are coming, but sure, let's do this instead.
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Arya and Gendry's Game of Thrones Sex Scene Was...Weird
Game of Thrones gave Arya Stark a sex scene with Gendry in the second episode of Season eight. It really did that. And no one thought it wasn't weird. The White Walkers are approaching with their army of the dead, humanity itself is on the line, and Arya's plotline was to lose her virginity. Read More
Elizabeth Warren's Plan to Cancel Student Debt Is a Stunning Contrast With Betsy DeVos and the Trump Administration
Amid the perennial calls for a presidential race about The Issues, and even amid the cascading revelations that the incumbent is crooked, Elizabeth Warren just keeps rolling out a 2020 platform. Today she announced a sweeping plan to eliminate undergraduate tuition at public colleges and universities and to eliminate up to $50,000 in student loan debt for every person with a household income of less than $100,000. The most refreshing part of this whole thing is the radical departure from the educational regime of Betsy DeVos, who seems to believe an ideal system is one where education is purely a product for corporations to profit on and students should pad those profits by saddling themselves with extraordinary amounts of debt. Read More
Game of Thrones Fan Favorite Daniel Portman Has Big Pod Energy
Strangers love talking to Daniel Portman about his dick. And at this point in his life, he's pretty cool with it, but that wasn't at all what he expected when, at the age of 19, Portman was cast in the small role of Podrick Payne in the second season of Game of Thrones. "Pod was just meant to be a 'we'll see what happens' kind of character," Portman tells Esquire's Matt Miller, who talked to the most loyal squire in Westeros about Season Eight, his touching song in Episode Two, and why his sexually gifted character became so beloved by fans. Read More
The Saved by the Bell Cast Reunion is Proof that Friends Really Are Forever
Keeping in touch with friends from high school gets increasingly difficult as you get older—circumstances change and people move and, in the case of Dustin Diamond, sometimes you make porn and disparage all your friends online. But for four of the six main Saved by the Bell cast members, the bonds held up. Read More
A Foolproof Guide to Buying Jeans That Fit Perfectly
There's nothing more indispensable than a great pair of jeans. They've been a cornerstone of guys' wardrobes for more than a century for a reason, after all: They're timeless. But that doesn't mean we can't change up our approach the classics every once in a while. And at this particular moment, there's a whole slew of ways to enjoy your denim. Here's how your jeans should fit right now. Read More
Making Game of Thrones Booze Is a Game of 'Cat-and-Mouse'
There are a handful of alcohol experts HBO tapped to make exclusive beverages for Game of Thrones. These partnerships have produced four wines, 14 beers, and eight single malt scotches (nine scotches if you count Diageo's special "White Walker" bottle of Johnnie Walker). They've quenched a ravenous thirst for Game of Thrones merch that's also inspired GoT Adidas Ultra Boosts, GoT Oreos, GoT Mountain Dew, and countless others. But where sneakers, cookies, and the Dew don't exactly tie into Westerosi life—although, if the Night King copped a pair of Ultras and crushed a can of green soda before taking the Throne, we wouldn't complain—alcoholic beverages are a constant presence on the show. Even in cases of cold-blooded killing. Read More
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