Saturday, April 20, 2019

What Happened to the Bong?

The rise of vapes and dab rigs has pushed the humble bong to the dustbin of stoner history. Maybe it should stay there.
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Why Isn't Anyone Smoking Bongs Anymore?
This year's 4/20 will usher countless new stoners into the hazy world of legal cannabis, given the ever-expanding number of states with recreational weed laws on the books. But one thing you're not likely to see amid the ecstatic smokeouts and clouds of stoner jokes is any mention of the humble bong. Even as pot culture went mainstream over the last decade, bongs remain a symbol of its seedy, black-market past. Read More
The Best Movies to Watch When You're Super Stoned
For those fully committed to 4/20, a watch list is a must. But even if it's not the high holiday, anytime you're partaking in cannabis culture, you've got to have something good to stream. You hit the joint and order the food, and now you've got to select a movie before the high fades. Don't risk sobering up while still scrolling through the 'Award-winning Movies' category. Queue these up and enjoy 'em—bloodshot eyes and all. Read More
This Is How Your Jeans Should Fit Right Now
There's nothing more indispensable than a great pair of jeans. They've been a cornerstone of guys' wardrobes for more than a century for a reason, after all: They're timeless. But that doesn't mean we can't change up our approach the classics every once in a while. And at this particular moment, there's a whole slew of ways to enjoy your denim. Here's how your jeans should fit right now. Read More
The Best Books of 2019 (So Far)
We know your to-read list is still growing thanks to all of the great books that came out in 2018, but it's never too early to look ahead and find new titles to add to the queue. The next year sees the release of great debut novels, some new books by beloved authors, and plenty of non-fiction that will help you digest the crazy world around us. Here are the books we're reading in 2019. Read More
'We Really Botched Columbine.'
When two teenagers walked into Columbine High School 20 years ago today and started shooting people, it just so happened that a large contingent of the national media had set up camp nearby. The nation's cable networks and major newspapers were convened in Denver, Colorado, to cover the trial of domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh. So it was a short trip out to the quiet suburb of Columbine to cover a different kind of terrorism, a spasm of inexplicable violence that so captivated the nation it at some point became the lens through which all subsequent mass murders would be viewed. Dave Cullen, author of Columbine and Parkland: Birth of a Movement, says: "We really botched Columbine." Read More
What Columbine Taught America
Columbine has become a kind of de facto common noun now; other shooters in other places have talked about doing "a columbine" as though the name of a school named after the highland flower Aquilegia is now a historical synonym for "massacre." That is the only turning point provided by the massacre two decades ago. It began the process of normalizing schoolhouse violence. It set the template for the impotent new ritual of "thoughts and prayers" followed by action on anything else except this country's lunatic fascination with its firearms. In the immediate aftermath of the murders, the Senate passed the first bill that would have closed the so-called "gunshow loophole." It failed in the House. It was supposed to have been a teaching moment. It wasn't. Read More
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