Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Eric Trump Threw Tiffany Under the Bus

Donald Trump and his family believe you can switch back and forth between Public Official and Private Citizen whenever it's convenient.
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Eric Trump Threw Tiffany Under the Bus on National TV While Spelling Out the Trump Legal Strategy
Eric Trump went on the president's favorite teevee show as part of Trumpworld's all-out offensive to prevent the public from learning anything about the president's businesses, or the incredibly suspect White House security clearance process, or whatever Don McGahn might say. Eric said: "It's not just my father, it's, 'Eric, I want to see all your bank records, I want to know how much Laura spent on baby formula for Luke, I want to know how many beers Tiffany had on a Friday afternoon.'" Why'd he have to do Tiffany like that? But notice how he slid seamlessly from the fact that, as Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization, his financial information may be subpoenaed, to the idea the Democrats want to know how much his wife "spent on baby formula" for their newborn son. Read More
We'd All Be Samwell Tarly on Game of Thrones, Admit It (Warning: spoilers)
John Bradley talks to Esquire's Matt Miller about his friendship with Kit Harington, his unforgettable role in the Battle of Winterfell, and whether the final ending of Game of Thrones will be satisfying. But only read if you've watched Episode Three; this story has spoilers. Read More
Marvel Fans Noticed a Clue at the End of Avengers: Endgame That Could Point to the Future of the MCU (Warning: spoilers)
By the end of watching three hours of hot CGI people hit each other, my eyes were too tired to notice much of anything, let alone a background person in one of the final scenes of Avengers: Endgame. But, thankfully, a Marvel fan on Reddit noticed someone in the background of Peter Parker's school who we've seen before. Spoilers if you click. Read More
'Game of Thrones' Fans Believe Melisandre's 'Green Eyes' Comment to Arya Is a Big Clue About the Finale (Warning: spoilers)
During the massive Battle of Winterfell in Game of Thrones Season Eight, there's one quiet moment where Arya Stark comes face-to-face with Melisandre, the Red Priestess she'd sworn to kill. Melisandre repeats the prophecy she made the first time she met Arya back in Season Three. "You said we'd meet again," Arya tells Melisandre. "You said I'd shut many eyes forever. You were right about that, too." The Red Priestess replies knowingly, "Brown eyes, green eyes—and blue eyes." So, which characters' eyes are the colors they're referencing? This story has spoilers from the Battle of Winterfell. Read More
The 13 Best Bucket Hats to Wear This Summer (Because They're Back)
Sure, you can never really go wrong with a baseball cap—something to shield your eyes and your face with during the sunnier months is always a good place to start. But this summer, consider expanding the reach of your hat collection. Enter: the bucket hat. In a time of fashion where it's cool to be uncool, the bucket hat might very well compete with the dad shoe for the top spot. Here are 13 of the best to get. Read More
What People Get Wrong About Autism
A friend once asked me if I had ever considered what my life might look like if Casey wasn't my brother. She asked because she has a child with special needs, and she wasn't sure what bringing another child into her family might mean for that second kid. Would everything be okay? Casey, whose official diagnosis is "high-functioning autistic," is 11 months older than me. He's my big brother and an avid collector of cookbooks. He's had a flat top since 2002. He's painfully frugal with the money he makes as a cashier at Wendy's. He's an impassioned dog owner and a bit anal-retentive about locking the door when we leave the house. In that non-exhaustive list of things that describes Casey, sometimes I forget "autistic" is in there. Read More
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