Monday, April 15, 2019

The Moment Kit Harington Said Goodbye to Jon Snow

For our May cover, the 'Game of Thrones' star told the emotional story of taking off his costume for the last time.
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Our May Cover: Kit Harington Opens Up About His Final Moments on the Set of Game of Thrones
For Kit Harington, taking off the Jon Snow costume for the last time was anything but easy. Esquire's Bruce Handy sat down with the Game of Thrones star to reflect not only on his eight seasons on the HBO sensation, but his final moments in character and saying goodbye to his Thrones family. "My final day of shooting, I felt fine . . . I felt fine . . . I felt fine. . . Then I went to do my last shots and started hyperventilating a bit. Then they called, 'Wrap!' And I just f*cking broke down. It was this onslaught of relief and grief about not being able to do this again. It wasn't so much about Jon. It was about not being in this world, not getting to smell those smells, fight those fights, be with these people—the whole package" Read More
100 People Will Pose Nude in NYC to Challenge Instagram and Facebook's Censorship
Artist Spencer Tunick has battled Facebook and Instagram over its stringent "community guidelines" banning nudity for half a decade. Tunick, who organizes and photographs large groups of nude people around the world, first had his Facebook page disabled in 2014 after posting a carefully pixelated image of 75 women in Portugal. Now, he's sending a powerful message directly to those social media platforms. On June 2, between 100 and 200 people will gather in New York City, posing naked to challenge Instagram and Facebook's nudity policies. Read More
Kit Harington Shares Eight Behind-the-Scenes Photos from Game of Thrones Through the Years
Game of Thrones' own Kit Harington takes a walk down memory lane—or the Kingsroad, if we're in Westeros—and reflect on the groundbreaking show's eight seasons. As a part of it, Harington shared eight behind-the-scenes photos from his time playing Jon Snow. From the first table read to Harington donning Dany's wig, it's like a year book of friends and good times from the better part of a decade of his life. Read More
Trump Sent the News Cycle So Far Into the Septic Tank No One Noticed This Barbering of the Constitution
Over the weekend, while everyone in the politics world had their eyes on Mayor Pete, Trump's justice department claimed the emoluments clause doesn't apply to his hotels. That this considerable barbering of the Constitution went almost completely unremarked is an indication of how far into the septic tank this administration* has sunk the news cycle. There is no question that, right from the convention in Philadelphia, the Founders were worried about foreign money corrupting the office, one of the very few things that most of them agreed on. Read More
Jon Snow Finally Knows the Truth. It's What He Does Next in Game of Thrones That Matters.
How will this bombshell news impact the union of fire and ice? Certainly it will make Jon and Dany at least pump the breaks on their budding romantic relationship (hopefully?). But along with that, the news of Jon Snow's true lineage will hurt Dany's claim for the Iron Throne, even if Jon is uninterested in becoming the King of the Seven Kingdoms. What is likely more of a concern for Jon is this news of her ruthless slayings of prisoners of war. Will he sit back and let a woman like this take control of the Seven Kingdoms—a woman whom his own sisters distrust? We'll soon find out in the remaining episodes. Read More
The President Is Endangering the Life of a Member of Congress Because He Thinks It's Good Politics
Donald Trump has embarked on a series of increasingly brazen attacks on Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of several freshman Democrats—who always seem to be women of color—that the right has targeted relentlessly. The latest blowup is over a speech Omar gave highlighting the erosion of Muslim Americans' civil liberties in the wake of 9/11. Omar suggested these threats to all Muslims' rights came after "some people did something," a line which Republicans like Dan Crenshaw seized on and trumpeted out of context to suggest Omar was downplaying the attacks themselves. Never mind that, as Omar pointed out, President George W. Bush spoke in very similar language just days after the attack. This was an opportunity, and conservatives took it. Read More
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