Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Trump’s Debate Call to Arms Was Pure Fascism

Donald Trump wants his own private Belarus, with his own private militias at polling places, and in the streets if he loses. And he's fixing things to get it, too.
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This Is What Pure Fascism Looks Like
The world is closing in on the president* and he wants to wreck everything he can before he's run to ground. That's the only possible explanation for his behavior on Tuesday night. He wants his own private Belarus, with his own private militias at polling places, and in the streets if he loses, and he's fixing things to get it, too. That's the only story from Tuesday night: the great, looming, consistent threat emerging from whatever the hell that event became. It was coming from the manic bully who is presently the President* of the United States. It was pure fascism, right down to the set of his chin that he stole from Mussolini, but it was fascism at the behest of a career failure who was sending out a call for anyone else with a sense of failure and a long gun. Continuing to treat this man as a president*, to grant him the privilege of two more debates and, therefore, two more opportunities to gather his forces, is to betray the very idea of democracy. Charles P. Pierce reacts to the most disgraceful presidential debate we've ever seen. Read More
Donald Trump Refused to Denounce White Supremacists. That's It.
At the first presidential debate of the 2020 general election, the President of the United States refused to condemn white supremacists and told a far-right paramilitary street gang that openly supports him that they should "stand by." This is not hyperbole. This is not some dramatic interpretation. It is simply what he said. He was asked to condemn white supremacy and he would not. He seemed almost confused at the suggestion. Instead, he directly addressed the Proud Boys, who have violently attacked their political opponents in the street before, and said that they should "stand back and stand by." Even if you grant that "stand by" might have been a blurt-of-the-moment thing, why is the president incapable of condemning white supremacy? Almost immediately, the Proud Boys were reportedly already celebrating this line—"Stand Back, Stand By"—as a sort of slogan. Seems like they got the message. Politics Editor Jack Holmes on how the president's performance on the night of Tuesday, September 29, 2020, was of a piece with everything that he has presented to the world in his time in public life. Read More
The $95 Sunglasses That Look Good on Everyone. (Yes, Everyone.)
It's true: There really are some sunglasses that work better on squarer or rounder or longer faces. But there's also a cheat code.The up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start of eyewear, it turns out, is the wayfarer. It looks good on everyone. And while many versions are available—including the OG, courtesy of Ray-Ban—there's a very easy and affordable option that deserves your attention. It's the Harris, by Warby Parker. Whatever alchemy created the Harris's blend of squared and rounded shapes, whatever dark wizardry first enchanted the soft shift from the curved brow to the sharp angles of the temples, Style Director Jonathan Evans can confidently say: These sunglasses will make you look at least 117 percent cooler. Read More
16 of the Best Fall Jackets to Buy Now, Because It's Time to Really Start Dressin'
The thing about the fall jacket is that you never have to justify buying another. Sure, you'll tell yourself this is "the last one you'll ever need," but c'mon—we've both been here before. Folks, 'tis the season. If you simply can't get enough of the damn things, fall is the time to embrace the style with gusto. And if you simply can't decide which one to cop, here's a novel proposition for you: cop 'em all. Restraint is overrated. Especially when it comes to jackets. Here are 16 we're loving right now. Read More
What Happened to Delonte West Tells a Larger Story About How We Treat Athletes
You've probably heard some version of this stat: As of 2018, over half of NBA players went broke after only five years in the league. People preying on their wealth; the fact that many athletes are making their life's fortune in only a few-year span. Rarely do you see such a public display of the struggles so many former athletes face, though, than what we saw with Delonte West this week. It all led to Monday night's news that, after pictures of West panhandling circulated on social media, Mark Cuban picked him up at a gas station and offered to pay for his rehabilitation treatment. While it's reassuring that West is in safe hands, you can't help but think that if someone would have made that drive earlier, West wouldn't have had to spend years living like he has. Here's everything we know about the situation right now. Read More
Victorinox's Tough-as-Hell FieldForce Chronograph Is One You Don't Want to Miss
It's easy to fall into the trap of believing, if you think about watches too much (and we certainly do), that only mechanical ones will cut the mustard. But watch snobs who think quartz movements are for a lower class of individual tend to miss out on some stellar watches and some killer deals too. Released just yesterday on the Victorinox website, for example, is the latest version of the FieldForce Chronograph, now in a very cool brushed matte black DLC steel. It's a great everyday sporty watch with lots of bells and whistles—check out the triple subdials—and a very clean easy-read display with a strong SuperLuminova light emission at night. A Ronda (Swiss made) quartz movement keeps the price down to a very reasonable $575, but the real value here is the design. Nick Sullivan explains. Read More
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