Thursday, September 24, 2020

Trump Has Announced His Intention to Stage a Coup

And he has made whoever he nominates to the Supreme Court an accomplice in that effort.
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The President Has Announced His Intention to Stage a Coup
The story of the day was the president*'s becoming his own Reichstag Fire on Wednesday. He was asked (repeatedly) whether or not he would peaceably leave office if he loses. For the benefit of future fugitive underground historians, here's the money shot. "Well, we're going to have to see what happens...You know that I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. Get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very ... there won't be a transfer, frankly. There'll be a continuation. The ballots are out of control." But there's another bit of presidential musing* that seems to me to be just as alarming and certainly as significant. Charles P. Pierce on the latest atrocity from The White House. Read More
Dan Rather Is Free to Say Whatever the Hell He Wants. And So Here's What He Has to Say Now.
It's rare access to Dan Rather, who calls himself simply a reporter but is in fact the great interpreter of our time. He's covered the civil-rights movement and three assassinations (Kennedy, King, Kennedy). He's known for earnestness; a deep, trustworthy voice; and the ability to keep his emotions out of his reporting, a talent he has referred to as "detachment." On the verge of the most important election in the history of this country, Esquire's Ryan D'Agostino spent nearly three hours talking to Rather. What follows are excerpts from those interviews, barely edited but for clarity and length, and with a bit of context where necessary. In the wide-ranging interview, the legendary reporter gives a clinic on journalism, its intersection with politics, civil rights, and the future of American culture. Read More
Summer's Over. Here's How to Keep the Vibe Alive.
Created by Esquire for Cointreau
How to keep your summer feels going full into fall. Read More
Here's How You Can Help Get Justice for Breonna Taylor in the Wake of Yesterday's News
Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in her own home by three plain-clothed police officers in March. Her memory has been at the center of civil rights demonstrations for over six months as demonstrators have called for accountability for the 26-year-old's killing. While a devastatingly long list of Black people have been killed by police officers, Taylor's death has been ever-present, due largely to the fact that the officers who killed her have faced no accountability. On Wednesday, September 23, a grand jury came forward with charges, indicting only one of the three officers, Brett Hankison. The charge, unrelated to Taylor's death, was for three counts of "wanton endangerment." The grand jury did not charge Hankison or any of the other officers with a charge related to Taylor's death. In recent months, demonstrations like the ones anticipated in Louisville Wednesday night have resulted in reported police brutality, civilian arrests, and an increased need for bail funds. As the outrage over Taylor's death and the grand jury's decision to not indict officers continues to grow, there are a number of ways you can reach out to demand justice for Breonna Taylor's death. Read More
A Shearling Jacket Is Worth the Investment. Here Are 12 of Our Favorites.
Sure, it's never a bad time to invest in good outerwear. But as far as pulling the trigger when the feeling is really hitting you, right now is the best time to do it. And a shearling jacket is the investment worth considering right now. It's cool, it's cozy, and it makes a statement. But before you go for it, a message from the Esquire Style Desk. Warning: Investing in the right shearling jacket may cause excitability and bouts of excessive confidence followed by loud declarations of "Daaamn, I look good. You guys seeing this?" If symptoms persist, ignore the haters and carry on with your bad self. You do, after all, look good. Read More
The PAX 3 Vape Gives You a First-Class Ticket to the Elusive State of Relaxation
Just because it's cliche, doesn't make it untrue: We've never needed weed more than right now. It's not only that. We've never asked for more from our weed, either, whether our high pursuit is the catalyst for a weekday wind-down, a warm blanket for defrosting what chronically ails us, or the vehicle of choice on the road to a laugh. And so, with so much currently out of our control, when given the opportunity to put our hands back on the steering wheel, we sure as hell ought to take it. Like eating that "cheat" meal because the world is certainly doing its part to cheat you, or making that purchase of an item that's taken up permanent residence in the cart, treating yourself to a stylish high is a good start. You already know strain choice has a lot to do with catching the intended vibe. What you're smoking from matters, too. Holding a tightly rolled joint in your hand, listening to the crackling of burning paper and flower, is about as romantic as it gets. Packing a glass piece seems juvenile, but who among us wouldn't leap at the opportunity to turn back time? But for the person who's made this timeless activity as much a part of their life as the coffee maker with a comma on the price tag, the vessel of choice is the PAX 3, which just released in four new colors. Read More
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