Wednesday, September 02, 2020

This Carhartt Jacket Is an Icon for a Reason

In the market for some new outerwear? We have some very good news for you.
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Carhartt WIP's Tough-as-Hell Michigan Chore Coat Is an Icon for a Reason
We know what you're thinking. What, another chore coat? How much is there left to say about these things? And we feel you, guy. No worries. By now you're more-than familiar with the style, so we're going to take the liberty of skipping the impromptu history lesson and cut to the chase. You're a busy man. You appreciate brevity, don't you? If you're sick and tired of hearing us go on and on about the style you're in luck. This is the last time we'll speak on it for a while. Because no, this isn't another chore coat. This is the chore coat. The end-all, be-all of the style. Carhartt Work in Progress' blanket-lined take on a silhouette the brand's been making in one form or another for pretty much ever, is one of the strongest contenders we've seen for the best damn version out there, and has been for a long, long time. And if you're still somehow on the fence about copping a chore coat for yourself, it seems only right that it be the style that finally convinces you take the plunge. Avidan Grossman gives you three good reasons to cop our latest Esquire Endorsement before fall hits. Read More
What We're Buying From Todd Snyder's Big Labor Day Sale
Sure, summer is winding down. But you've still got until *checks calendar* September 22 to get in all your last-minute warm weather hijinks, so don't despair just yet. And if that's not enough of a positive affirmation for you, kindly Uncle Todd and his Labor Day sale are here to save you—yet again!—from those late-summer blues. The trusty American label is offering steep discounts on a whole host of heat, much of it ready-made to help you enjoy the last few weeks of summer in style, and now up to 85% off using the code LABORDAY30. If that isn't reason in and of itself to celebrate, frankly, I'm not sure what is. Of the whole lot, here are the 20 pieces that caught our eye—and that we expect won't stay in stock very long. Read More
Pauly Shore: 'Pauly Shore Is America'
"It reminds me of America, you know?" Pauly Shore tells Editor at Large Dave Holmes of his decision to move from his native Los Angeles to his new home in Las Vegas, where he's writing, podcasting, and chilling by the pool with a cast of characters you truly will not believe, but we'll get to that later. "Las Vegas reminds me of America, and I am America." He pauses, thinks about it. "I mean, Pauly Shore is America." It's an incredible thing to say for a lot of reasons, not least among them that Pauly Shore is in fact canonically California. But he's in his fifties now, and the last two and a half years have seen the death of both of his parents and what is at least for now the end of traditional live stand-up comedy. It's time for Pauly to refocus. He's in Vegas—which, like him, is America—and he's getting ready for the release of Guest House, his first big studio comedy since 1996's Bio-Dome, while like the rest of us he tries to figure out what comes next. Read More
The Best '90s Movies on Netflix Right Now
There's a reason all the late-'90s babies cling so proudly to their semi-fabricated memories of "the good old days." Everyone can appreciate the merit of some '90s nostalgia. Perhaps it stems from a yearning for a time just before our world became so hyper-virtual: when drama went down in the mall instead of on social media. Lovers exchanged mix tapes rather than Spotify playlists, and hacker characters on the World Wide Web were more novelty than reality. (Julia Stiles's character in Ghostwriter knew something we didn't.) Whether you're seeking out the ironically analog feel of yesteryear, or just miss seeing everyone in windbreakers over a Sugar Ray soundtrack, there's never a bad time to kick back with a good '90s flick. Luckily, Netflix has enough to make for a movie marathon so extensive, you'll end up feeling worried about Y2K and consider frosted tips. Hindsight 2020: Don't. Read More
Rolex Just Announced a Slew of New Submariners for 2020
The rumormongers had it pretty much right. From the middle of August, when it became known that Rolex would be announcing some major updates September 1 to one of its core lines of watches, the big money was on the famous Submariner, a watch that had not seen any significant updates for almost a decade. There's nothing more likely to get tongues a-wagging than Rolex making changes to arguably the most iconic watch in its stable. Except Rolex didn't really do that. Here's Esquire Creative Director Nick Sullivan on the whopping eight updated iterations arriving this year. Read More
It Will Take Years for the CDC to Get Its Credibility Back
The state of play as regards the development of a vaccine against the pandemic seems to run something like this: The president* has captured the primary institutions of public health in this country—the CDC will take years to get its credibility back, if it ever does—and he's delegitimized the international institutions of public health in the eyes of many of his faithful army of rubes and suckers. He's primed them to ignore established scientific protocols and, if needs be, accept whatever quick-ass, October Surprise potion emerges this fall either from the labs of one of his cronies, or, worse, from Doctor Vlad's House of Miracles and Wonders. Meanwhile, back in reality, there's a new story from The Washington Post requires a closer look. Charles P. Pierce reacts. Read More
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