Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Sleazy Story Behind Penthouse’s Most Controversial Issue of All Time

One scandal would've been enough.
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'A Felony Just to Own': The Sleazy Story Behind Penthouse's Best-Selling Issue
It's difficult to truly convey the frenzy that developed around Penthouse's September 1984 issue. Take it from those involved, though. Peter Bloch, Penthouse's then-executive editor: "It was the best-selling issue of Penthouse of all time. Hands down. A complete sellout in, like, two days." Richard Bleiweiss, Penthouse's then-art director: "The thing about this issue is, it became the biggest news story in the world." Leslie Jay-Gould, Penthouse's then-vice president and director of public relations: "The issue was beyond huge, was beyond anything. When it hit stands, I was fielding over a hundred calls a day. And then, two years later, the FBI came to the offices and took away all the issues. Yeah, it was a felony just to own." The stories continue here, courtesy of Lili Anolik's deep dive into one of the most controversial magazines ever printed. Read More
Our Descendants, Should They Come to Exist, Will Marvel at How We Let This Go on So Long
One of the only redemptive features of an era where our reality is forcibly filtered through The Fox News Channel is watching the Fox & Friends bully the President of the United States off the air after he sticks around too long ranting and raving on their time. It pretty much happens with every appearance now: Brian Kilmeade or Steve Doocy will, after playing therapist on national television for 45 minutes of presidential free association, insist—plead—that the president surely must have some pressing matters of state to attend to in order to get him out of there. Today, though, was a bit different. Having listened to the president muse about assassinating another head of state, imply Joe Biden is juicing, suggest the election will be rigged, and pretend he read a book, the Friends eventually decided it was time to wrap this up. But before they could get the Leader of the Free World off their airwaves, he circled back to the notion he'd floated to kick things off: that he would now be appearing on their program every week for one of these nationally televised shrink appointments. Jack Holmes unpacks this morning's madness. Read More
Simple Set Up. Serious Security.
In Partnership with SimpliSafe
Set up SimpliSafe in under an hour and your home is protected 24/7 from break-ins, fires and more. Read More
Justin Theroux is Back to Getting Off Extremely Big Fits
If you haven't quite given up on the city yet but could really use a nice "New York moment" right now, we've got some good news: Justin Theroux was spotted walking his kingly pooch over the weekend and, damn, he's looking good. Theroux never strays too far from what works for him, and even if the look isn't exactly your cup of tea it's hard not to respect his commitment to the bit. In a faded Shakira tee from the singer's 2010 tour, skinny black jeans, and a pair of sand suede boots, Theroux comes correct in the Platonic form of his go-to look. Topped off with a hat repping the pioneering NYC graffiti crew cum insider-y streetwear label IRAK, a fat gold Rolex (okay, I have no way of knowing for sure what type of watch that is, but let's just say it's a safe bet), and a bandana-printed mask, Theroux is, quite frankly, killing it. Avidan Grossman bows down here. Read More
Just a Reminder That a Denim Jacket Is Essential and Will Serve You Well Forever
In short, the denim jacket is an American icon every man should have (at least one of) in his closet. From the immovable force that is Levi's Trucker Jacket to high-end offerings from brands like RRL, the jean jacket is a garment that will never fail you. In the fall, it's your first foray into outerwear, just as the temperature starts to fall. On those extra-cold winter days, layering under an oversized wool jawn isn't discouraged on our end. And when spring first starts to break, but not without a little chill, it's an old friend to catch up with. This is all to say that the denim jacket is evergreen and eternal, and even if you already have one, this list of our favorites to buy right now might spark warranted interest in adding to your collection. Read More
The Mandalorian Season Two Trailer Shows the Star Wars Story Fans Have Been Waiting For
We're in the dark times now. The Skywalker Saga is kaput and The Clone Wars animated series has wrapped up for good. If you're looking for a Star Wars fix nowadays, all you can really do is try to make sense of The Rise of Skywalker's cloning situation (good luck!), or watch The Mandalorian making-of series on Disney Plus, where you'll be hard-pressed to find that dopamine hit that rushes upon the mere sight of Baby Yoda. Thankfully, we're not far away from The Mandalorian's return for Season Two. On Sept. 15 Disney dropped the first trailer for the next chapter of its hit Star Wars TV series. Now, we have a fairly clear idea of what Mando and his green friend will be up to this fall—and it sounds even more exciting than their Season One hijinks. Here's everything we know about The Mandalorian Season Two so far. Read More
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