Friday, February 18, 2022

CNN Can't Get This Story Right

Here, from CNN, is an example of exactly the wrong way to cover Hillary Rodham Clinton. You'd think that, after trying out various wrong ways to cover HRC for going on 30 years, they might have run out by now. But apparently, they're still adding pages to the old hymnal. On Thursday, at the New York State Democratic Convention in Manhattan, HRC delivered a thwacking assault on El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago and all his primary enablers. This was in the wake of the filing by Potemkin prosecutor John Durham, over which the entire wingnut-o-sphere went goat-dancing into unexplored realms of unreality. But here's CNN deciding that the day's story was that, four years ago, HRC enthusiastically endorsed disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo. This goes on for six paragraphs before the unfortunate reader gets to the meat of what HRC actually said this week.

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