Friday, December 09, 2022

The Murky Path To Becoming an NYT Bestseller

Anyone who's worked for a major book publisher in recent memory knows the energy that crackles through the office at 4:59 P.M. on Wednesday afternoons, right before the preview of next week's best seller list arrives from The New York Times. After months of pitching reviews, planning marketing campaigns, doing bookseller outreach, and begging for budget, this is the moment when you find out if it was enough to earn your author a spot on the best seller list. No one outside The New York Times knows exactly how its best sellers are calculated—and the list of theories is longer than the actual list of best sellers. In The New York Times' own words, "The weekly book lists are determined by sales numbers." But beyond these disclosures, the Times is not exactly forthcoming about how the sausage gets made.

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