Monday, August 05, 2019

Beto O'Rourke Just Produced an Emotional, Scything Critique of the Media

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Beto O'Rourke Just Produced an Emotional, Scything Critique of the Media
It was another spasm of American horror, and another sign of the wild and dangerous forces surging through this country. The man who killed 20 people and wounded 26 more in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday was explicit in what motivated him: the idea of an "invasion" of non-white people who will have babies and dilute the power of White America. This is a product of the kind of racist delusion and tribalist anxiety that has always run beneath the surface in America, but there is no doubt why it is spreading so widely and virulently at the moment. Read More
Trump's Condemnation of White Supremacy Will Only Last Until His Next Rally
First of all, I'd like to send out my thoughts and prayers to the people of Toledo, because why the hell not? We all need some thoughts and prayers these days. On Monday, after a weekend of slaughter around the country, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago proved once again that he is incapable of rising to any occasion more serious than a ball he can kick out of the rough and onto the fairway. The Toledo gaffe was merely the most ludicrous illustration. His affect was flat. He was at SniffCon 4. His prepared remarks were back into the Grand Guignol American Carnage Mode: "twisted monsters," "sinister ideologies," "barbaric slaughters," "monstrous evil," REDJACK! REDJACK! Read More
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Called Out Kevin McCarthy for Blaming Mass Shootings on Video Games
The disingenuous right-wing talking points are familiar—guns don't kill, people do. America doesn't have a white nationalist problem, it has an untreated mental illness problem. Maybe we wouldn't be dying in streets and malls and bars if it weren't for all the violence on TV. But in an interview for Fox News on Sunday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy sounded a particularly ludicrous note, suggesting that part of the blame for the weekend's two mass murders could be laid at the feet of video games. And Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez issued a blistering rebuke. Read More
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Actor Mike Moh Has Responded to the Bruce Lee Criticism
Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is filled with affection for '60s Tinseltown, but one real-life character was handled conspicuously less reverentially than others. Critics have argued that Bruce Lee, the movie's only character of color, is depicted as an arrogant windbag, and implausibly equaled in a fight by Brad Pitt's anonymous, aging stuntman. And in an interview, Michael Moh, who portrayed the iconic actor and martial artist, shared his thoughts on the depiction of his real-life idol. Read More
Polaroid's OneStep Plus Would Impress Even Photography Pros
Right now, it seems like anything that can make us feel like we're in another decade—probably to get out of this god-awful one—is in style. Record players are back, retro cars are back, and hell, even vintage fashion is back. Polaroid, one of the most retro-y brands out there, decided to jump in on the action, and it absolutely killed it. Polaroid Originals recently released a line of throwback cameras with contemporary conveniences to bridge the eras, making some film photographers' dreams come true. Here's why the new Polaroid OneStep Plus is the perfect throwback tool for making modern memories. Read More
Here's What Really Happened to Rue in Euphoria's Beautiful and Surreal Season Finale
Before Euphoria found its voice as a funny-but-trippy, heartfelt-but-brutal look at relationships and growing up, it was a pretty labor-intensive watch—you can't exactly follow ketamine-dripping Gen-Zers and rogue locker room dicks for more than an hour at a time. But last night's episode—the finale of Season One—was Euphoria at the peak of its powers. Read More
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