Thursday, August 15, 2019

Trump Just Told the Same Lie for the 80th Time

It feels like it should be a bigger story that the world's most powerful man is nuts.
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President Good Brain Just Told the Same Lie for the 80th Time
It pretty much says it all that there was another Presidential Episode on Tuesday and it was barely a blip on the radar. These spectacles, where the world's most powerful man rants and raves like a guy with whom you'd studiously avoid eye contact on public transportation, happen so regularly that nobody even much remarks on it anymore. Just a fact of American life. Oh, that's just the president again! You see, Mr. Good Brain went to Pennsylvania yesterday to give a speech that was purportedly on the topic of energy, but which swiftly devolved into a festival of personal grievance and kaleidoscopic delusion. So the usual. Read More
Bruce Lee's Daughter Tells Quentin Tarantino to 'Just Shut Up' About Her Father
It's been nearly three weeks since Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood hit theaters, but arguably its biggest controversy is still stirring—the depiction of Bruce Lee in the film. To recap: In the movie, Brad Pitt's badass stuntman, Cliff Booth, gets himself in a three-round brawl with Lee, played by Mike Moh. In the scene, Lee is portrayed as fast-talking and arrogant—saying he'd make Mohammed Ali "a cripple." Since then, many people have been critical of the scene, including Once Upon a Time in Hollywood's stunt coordinator, Robert Alonzo, Lee's biographer, and Bruce Lee's daughter, Shannon. Read More
Levi's Is Having a Ridiculously Good Warehouse Sale Right Now
Okay, here's the thing: You should take a moment to read about how good the Levi's warehouse sale that's going on right now is. You should stop to consider that you can score a pair of go-to slim jeans for less than $20, as well as some truly exceptional stuff from the normally higher-priced Levi's Made & Crafted and Levi's Vintage Clothing lines at a very major discount. You should also take a look through our picks below, because we've gone through and selected 20 of the best finds in this sale so you don't have to sift through page after page to uncover the gems. Read More
Jeffrey Epstein's Jailhouse Suicide Is More Feasible Than You Think
In the wake of Jeffrey Epstein's death this past weekend, I've watched, on the television in my cell at Sing Sing, a parade of talking heads express everything from confusion to anger that such a high-profile person could kill himself while in custody. Such disbelief surprises me. Setting aside the question of whether Epstein did, in fact, commit suicide—I leave that to the authorities and the conspiracy theorists—let's be clear: High profile or not, if you want to kill yourself while in custody, you can find a way. Read More
Avengers Fans Found a New Captain America Easter Egg That Everyone Missed in Endgame
Avengers: Endgame has been out for almost four months now. The film, which has now made over $2.795 billion at the global box office, has surpassed Avatar as the highest-earning movie of all time, worldwide. Only having been released for digital download on July 30, the international sensation has already been picked to pieces by diehard fans, meticulously examined for every last shred of Marvel lore that hides within the corners of the 3-plus-hour movie's CGI-laden frames. They've found Howard the Duck. They spotted familiar faces from Anthony and Joe Russo's Community past. And now, they've spotted a hidden gem in a promotional VFX reel released ahead of the film's upcoming physical release on September 2. Read More
Watch This Guy Marvel at a Glacier Collapse in a Nice Metaphor for Everything
If you're looking for a metaphor for the plight of our species, look no further than this video from a brotastic kayaker. According to Digg, an intrepid adventurer named Josh Bastyr captured this footage of a glacial bridge at Alaska's Spencer Glacier collapsing in biblical fashion, occasioning a massive wave that rushed towards him and a fellow traveler and sent them paddling desperately for safety. Read More
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