Friday, January 07, 2022

The Internet Can't Handle Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart is an incisive comedian who loves to question authority, no matter who's in charge. He prides himself on being an equal opportunity bullshit detector, the first person in any room to quietly suggest that perhaps the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. These skills served him well during the Bush years when administration officials went to great lengths to deceive the public about their efforts and intentions in the war on terror. But that same inquisitive spirit and subtle eyebrow raise that made Stewart such an astute critic of post-9/11 politics might not benefit the comedian in today's very different comedic landscape where righteous indignation is in and skepticism and satire are out. Consider it a consequence of the Trump administration, but when a sizable portion of the population refuses to accept the results of a perfectly fair and free election, there just isn't much room for the rest of us to question things.

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