Thursday, March 24, 2022

A Russian Politician Predicted the Ukraine Outcome—in 2021

Contrary to the growing conventional wisdom that Putin has gone off the rails in terms of his mental state, former State Department Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist Kenneth Dekleva holds that he's the same sicko he always was, he's just operating on particularly bad information. We may have some new evidence pointing towards that conclusion. In a video posted to YouTube on April 11, 2021, journalist and former member of the Russian parliament Aleksandr Nevzorov appears to predict the consequences of a Russian invasion of Ukraine with an eerie prescience—at least if a version with English subtitles, reposted this month, is accurate. A rudimentary auto-translation of the original video suggests it is. Nevzorov predicts the Russian military will be far less effective in practice than its reputation would suggest.

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