Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Putin Is Getting CANCELLED!

Vladimir Putin has united much of the world in opposition to his barbarism in Ukraine, and he has also united a Fox News talking head and a Washington Post columnist in a particular assessment of the situation: the Russian dictator and the state he controls are getting "cancelled." "We are witnessing the first geopolitical 'cancellation' of the 21st century," said the WaPo's Jason Willick. Monica Crowley, once of the Trump Treasury Department, offered that "Russia is being cancelled" and cited the sweeping international sanctions levied against its economy, its ejection from international sporting competition, and… the Ukrainian military resistance? To be fair, both seem to think the cancellation is justified. Willick called it "righteous." But it remains hilarious, if concerning, to watch people attempt to cram a land war in Europe into the tiny box of a worldview that seems to be entirely defined by culture wars here at home.

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