Friday, March 11, 2022

The 50 Best Fantasy Books of All Time

Fantasy is the oldest genre of literature, pre-dating the invention of bound books by thousands of years thanks to mythology and folklore. Yet even now, readers and critics can't always agree on what fantasy is and what it isn't. For some, ancient poetry like Beowulf, The Odyssey, and The Epic of Gilgamesh is fair game. For others, the modern genre for adults began with George MacDonald's Phantastes in 1858, the story of a thirsty 21-year-old who wakes up in Fairy Land and falls in love with a marble statue sculpted by Pygmalion. We ranked the 50 best fantasy books ever written, emphasizing works that brought something new and innovative to the genre—titles that inspired other fantasy writers as well as readers. In ranked order, here are the best fantasy books of all time.

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