Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Absolute Best Pants to Wear to Work

What constitutes a pair of "work pants" has shifted significantly over the last decade-plus. In high-rises and office parks around the country, where once only wool trousers and cotton chinos with dress shirts dutifully tucked into them could roam, suddenly jeans started strutting down the hallways. Denim and dress shoes? Heaven forbid! Except, well, it looked pretty damn good and felt pretty damn good, too. Then the pandemic hit, folks started working from home in sweats, and the whole concept of owning pants just for the office started to seem, if not entirely unnecessary, then at least more like a suggestion than a rule. If you do have to head back into an office, look for work pants with elastane, or ones with a roomier silhouette. Better yet, if you can get away with it, opt for trousers with a drawstring. We have all them and more below, primed for purchasing.

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