Wednesday, January 25, 2023

When a Man Dresses a Woman

About a year ago, I turned to the man I had just started dating, and as one so often does at the beginning of a relationship, I said something completely insane. "You have such great taste. Do you want to give me tips for dressing better?" Perhaps asking your lover to do something most succinctly referred to as "Kim and Kanye-ing" you is an obvious mistake. But it was true—my sweetheart did have great taste. He cared about what he wore and knew how to sew. He was a working artist described by one gallery as the "Master of Color," whereas I could not be trusted to judge if any two colors go together, unless those colors were "black" and "slightly lighter black." When I told a female friend about my sweetheart's sartorial style and his impeccably decorated house, my friend remarked that his taste probably rubbed off from his ex-girlfriend. "It's the opposite, actually," he told me. "She got her style from me."

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