Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Hands-Down Best Peacoats

Political thrillers aren't particularly known for setting fashion trends, but The Three Days of Condor is the exception. In the film, Robert Redford plays Joe Turner, a nondescript CIA analyst (a pencil pusher, really) who gets ushered into corrupt government coverups. He's an average joe, and his choice in outerwear, a peacoat, reflected that at the time. It was the '70s, and the style—once the purview of navies across the globe, fisherman, and other seafarers—started gaining popularity among the masses. The sturdy wool jacket, marked by its double-breasted silhouette with two rows of pronounced admiral-style buttons and sizable notch collar, was completely insulating and hassle-free. It was utilitarian, intended to protect men traveling the ocean blue from harsh conditions. But after Redford, a bona fide hunk, donned the topper, it became an emblem of sophistication.

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