Monday, January 16, 2023

‘The Last of Us’ Is 2023’s First Great TV Show

I've been trying to explain the magic of 2013's The Last of Us—game developer Naughty Dog's brutalist masterpiece—to my fellow editors at Esquire. I sound like I'm drunkenly reading an entry from The Walking Dead Wiki. Road trip, but make it post-apocalypse. Zombie-like creatures are in the way. A reluctant paternal type takes a child—born with a special gift!—to the place that will save all mankind. That's the gist of The Last of Us, to which HBO said fuck-your-video-game-adaptation-curse, developed it into a TV series and cleared its coveted Sunday night slot for it to air, beginning last night. Considering the boatloads of money HBO threw at this series, my ready-to-cringe senses were tingling.

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