Friday, August 31, 2018

Eminem Says Trump Sicced the Secret Service on Him

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Eminem Says Donald Trump Sent Secret Service to His House on Surprise New Album
The remainder of the album is surprisingly light on the politics. Instead, Eminem focuses his anger at other rappers, and his place in hip-hop, which he seems deeply uncomfortable with. After an early listen through this album, he absolutely should be. Read More
Justin Bieber Has Officially Worn the Sleaziest Outfit of Summer 2018 (So Far)
Justin Bieber's Vans look new and clean. But the rest of him—his clothing, his grooming, his attitude—is the culmination of all the sleaze we've been obsessing over the past few weeks here at Esquire. And now, here we are, staring at the peak of peaks, the grimiest of grime, the sartorial equivalent of an apartment Oscar the Grouch said "no, thanks" to. It's beautiful. Read More
Inside the Delightfully Quirky, Absolutely Fabulous, and Utterly Exhausting World of Cruise Performers
This isn't the Oscars—but it's as close as you get in international waters. And this competition matters to these performers, several of whom complained privately of stress headaches and sleepless nights. They've hustled for years just to get here, playing kids' birthday parties, amusement parks, piano lounges, bars, ice-skating rinks, college cafeterias, casinos, Chippendales lineups, Spanish bullfighting rings, and retirement villages. But when the balloons clear, only one act will leave as Entertainer of the Year, the cruise entertainment industry's highest—and only—honor. Read More
John McCain May Have Given Everyone the Last Laugh
The president's disapproval ratings are reaching lunar orbit—and on Saturday, there will be a huge memorial service for John McCain at the National Cathedral. Two presidents will speak. Pundits will continue to gush. Comparisons will fly thick and fast and none of them will be complimentary to the current occupant of the White House. If McCain's last act as a public figure was to troll the president* with McCain's own funeral rites, he couldn't have contrived a better circumstance in which to do so. Read More
This Week's Biggest Sneaker Releases, and Where to Get Them
Labor Day weekend is upon us. And, with the short hiatus for many workers, wearing white comes with the opportunity to spend a little bit of green. While many call it the end of summer, we're not so brazen; there's plenty of time left in the sun, and we want you to step out with the right footwear. This week, the marquee release is the collaboration between Nigel Sylvester and Air Jordan on the iconic 1, but don't miss Feit's new biodegradable sneaker, and Supreme's latest collaboration with Nike. Read More
The Best Movies To See This Labor Day
It's so damn hot, guys. This is that point in the summer where the pool just doesn't matter anymore. The water is bath temperature. The sun is violent. Even the cicadas are screaming out of frustration for the heat. So what should you do? Go to the movies. As summer draws to an end, find something that brings you the joy that warm weather once did when it wasn't absolutely blistering. There's a treat for everyone. Read More
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