Monday, August 06, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen's Latest Victim Is the Infamous Joe Arpaio

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Joe Arpaio Told Sacha Baron Cohen He'd Accept Oral Sex From Donald Trump
Sacha Baron Cohen introduced a new character on the fourth episode of Who Is America? on Sunday: OMGWhizzBoyOMG, a Finnish YouTube star, who sat down with former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio to unbox some toys and talk about hoarding guns for an impending race war. It's an absolutely awkward segment, another one that makes you wonder how dumb these people are to sit through these interviews. Read More
No One Should Believe a Word Trump Says About the Trump Tower Meeting
They used to say there were no contacts with Russians, period. Then they said there were contacts, but the Americans involved were low-level nobodies on the campaign. Then they admitted there was a meeting at Trump Tower between the campaign manager, the president's son, his son-in-law, and some Russians, but that it was about "adoptions" and the president didn't know about it. Now, as of this past weekend, the president admits what we all knew a year ago: the Russians specifically promised dirt on Hillary Clinton, which is why the meeting happened. Read More
The Peacock Patriarchy
From his $20-million-a-year perch, Matt Lauer turned NBC into his personal playground. Then, suddenly, he was gone. But Lauer's axing has only raised unsettling questions about the network's leadership, its boys'-club culture, and how it covered the #MeToo moment. Read More
Did Stephen King's Son Just Solve a 44-Year-Old Murder Mystery?
What do Jaws and an infamous cold case have in common? Bestselling author Joe Hill—that's Stephen King's son—presents a theory linking two events that took place in 1974 Cape Cod. Read More
Trump's Attack on LeBron Is Just Another Authoritarian Attempt at Suppressing Athlete-Activists
Trump, despite earning criticism from actors, musicians, and even the Pope, is particularly alert to any hint of rebuke from black sports figures. From Jemele Hill, to Steph Curry, and even LaVar Ball, Trump misses no opportunity to mock and demean black athletes. Though Trump's feuds are unusually public and personal, he is not the first American to hate and fear the black athlete—only the latest and the loudest. Read More
Unpacking QAnon: A Batsh*t Conspiracy Theory Tailor-Made for the Trump Era
As conspiracy theories go, QAnon is strangely optimistic. Unlike chemtrails or JFK theorists, who believe that incidents that appear explainable or even benign are secret covers for widespread corruption and abuses, QAnon posits that what looks like the chaotic flailings of a mean, small-minded president is actually a perfectly executed plan that will end with justice being meted out to those who, in believers' eyes, deserve it. Still, it's hard to imagine how anyone could believe something so deranged, even by conspiracy theory standards. Read More
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