Thursday, August 23, 2018

Trump Is Now Openly Supporting International White-Supremacists

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No One Should Need a Tape of Him Using a Racial Slur
The man is full of surprises. I think we all knew that, once the two-sided Manafort-Cohen dung hammer fell on Tuesday, that Shabby Distraction Theater was going to open again. However, I don't think anybody predicted that its first production would be a revival of America's meddling in the affairs of South Africa. The President* of the United States is now openly promoting an international racist conspiracy theory as the official foreign policy of the United States. Read More
We Can Thank Jim Parsons For Finally Killing The Big Bang Theory
As it turns out, Sheldon actually did something right. Read More
The President's TV Addiction Just Hit Rock Bottom on Fox & Friends
The quasi-paradox here is that Trump is just as often the one being sold things. It is now well-documented that many of his tweets are sourced to whatever he just saw on Fox & Friends or Hannity. It's a feedback loop. His advisers and allies openly admit the best—and sometimes only—way to get his ear and convince him of something is to tell it to him through the TV. They even suggested Paul Manafort was losing his opportunity to get a pardon because too little of his trial coverage was televised. Read More
Justin Theroux Just Introduced a Whole New Execution of Sleazy Style
Not only has Theroux successfully ridden his golden steed into the Summer of Sleaze—he's done so while still looking as put-together as he always does. Theroux's mix of no-care-given and so-very-thoughtful is so well done it hurts my brain. To wear a trucker hat earnestly in 2018, you oughta have a lot of balls or be Justin Theroux. Luckily for Theroux, he is the latter. Read More
The Water Crises Aren't Coming—They're Here
For eons, the earth has had the same amount of water—no more, no less. What the ancient Romans used for crops and Nefertiti drank? It's the same stuff we bathe with. Yet with more than seven billion people on the planet, experts now worry we're running out of usable water. The symptoms are here: multiyear droughts, large-scale crop failures, a major city—Cape Town—on the verge of going dry, increasing outbreaks of violence, fears of full-scale water wars. The big question: How do we keep the H2O flowing? Read More
Danny Boyle Quit Bond 25 After a Disagreement With Daniel Craig
This project has been messy from the very beginning, with Craig's lengthy media campaign about how he'd rather slit his wrists than play James Bond again. This would have never happened if Idris Elba were there. Just sayin'! Read More
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