Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Louis C.K. Thinks After 9 Months, He's Listened Enough

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Louis C.K. Seems to Think That After 9 Months, He's Listened Enough
On Sunday night, C.K. made his first stand-up appearance since his admission. His set was 15 minutes at the famed Comedy Cellar in Greenwich Village, where C.K. was once known to make surprise appearances (the venue is also featured in the opening credits of his FX show). It's essentially C.K.'s home field, and, despite his fall from grace this year, the New York Times reported that "the audience, a sold-out crowd of about 115, greeted him warmly, with an ovation even before he began." Read More
Donald Trump, SEO President, Doesn't Like His First Page of Google Results
Donald J. Trump, American President, fired off a pair of tweets this morning saying Google search results are "rigged" against "him and others." He also dropped a statistic from a report on the conservative website PJ Media that claims 96 percent of Google results for "Trump News" come from "National Left-Wing Media." Coincidentally, or not, probably not, he was watching Lou Dobbs have a conversation with Diamond and Silk on Fox News—whose site actually ranks first for "Trump news" in Google—last night. Read More
It's High Time You Bought an Anti-Aging Cream
If you're worried about developing—or improving—aging skin, it's time to stop sleeping on anti-wrinkle products. Not only will they keep your skin hydrated and clear, but they can actually improve the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and splotchy coloring that give away older skin. If you're going to invest in any type of grooming product, it should be this one. Whether you want to prevent aging or reverse damage, there's something out there for you. Here's where to start. Read More
When Trump Acts 'Nuts,' His Aides Should Do More Than Whisper to the Media
Who are the people whom he called and at whom he screamed? Come out, come out, wherever you are. You have a constitutional duty to the nation to give it chapter and verse on the president*'s latest "episode." And all weekend, all of the networks, even his favorite one, are going to be heaping praise and honor on a man (John McCain) who, bless his curmudgeonly heart, kicked the president* in the nuts from the Beyond on Monday afternoon. Stay away from your phones at all times, people. This is an emergency. Read More
All Alcohol Is Bad
A comprehensive new study on harm caused by alcohol came to a jarring conclusion: none is the only healthy amount. No "drinking in moderation," no "enjoying an occasional glass of red wine with dinner." None. This is exactly the kind of news that makes us count down the minutes until happy hour. Read More
A 'Potentially Hazardous' Asteroid Is Whizzing Past Earth Tonight
Apparently, they'll let anybody on the "potentially hazardous asteroids" list these days. An asteroid named 2016 NF23, which is larger in diameter than the Great Pyramid of Giza is tall and traveling at a cool 20,000 m.p.h., made headlines last week for its trajectory—one that puts our pale blue dot right in its path. Well, kinda. After dubbing the asteroid "potentially hazardous," NASA had to step in to tell us if there's actually anything to worry about. Read More
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