Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Our Tour of Tom Hardy's Hometown Ended at the Hospital

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Tom Hardy Saves the Day (No, Really)
One of the most intense actors of our time agreed to take us on a motorcycle ride in his hometown—and then the day spun way off-script. Read More
The Bachelorette Finale Was a Choice Between a Parkland Conspiracy Theorist and a School Shooting Survivor
Sadly, these three hours of television are a perfect allegory for American culture—one that demands a man be fired for kneeling for the national anthem, but gives a pass to another man who likes a post suggesting a soldier should throw a kid back over a wall. Read More
It's Not About 'Illegal Immigration,' It's About Keeping Certain People Out
Immigration hardliners are always quick to say their beef is with illegal immigration. But in all things, The Trump Era turns the subtext to text. The Wall is a symbol, a big middle finger to The Outside, a monument to the enduring power of White America. That might be why Trump seems to think it may be the one campaign promise he'll pay for not keeping. That's surely the reason he now lies about it at every rally, telling the hooting and hollering faithful that construction has already begun. Read More
Seth Rogen Tweeted Some Hilarious Stories from the Set of Pineapple Express
Some highlights include multiple injuries to the actors, a cameo by Stormy Daniels (seriously), an actual smoking billboard, and Rogen rolling a ton of cross joints because no one else knew how to do it. Of course, in the end, Apatow chimed in to say that Bryan Cranston tried out to play the role of the drug dealer, but the producers didn't think he was scary enough. Read More
Every American Should Visit Mexico—And There's Never Been a Better Time Than Now
Talk of walls, tariffs, and "professional mountain climbers" has put us at odds with Mexico, one of our closest allies. It's in bad faith, and it's by design. But despite what talking heads and politicians want you to believe, we couldn't ask for a better neighbor. For proof, you just have to go there. Read More
Please Don't Make Me Dress Like a Complete and Utter Goon for Your Wedding
Be the face of cultural change: Stop with the cute wedding dress codes. I love that you've invited me to your barn-themed wedding, but unless you want me to do a reprisal of the scarecrow costume I wore for my elementary school's production of The Wiz, I'm going to need more of a directive than "Rustic Nostalgia." Read More
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