Thursday, March 28, 2019

Adam Schiff Clapped Back at Republicans in Congress

After they demanded his resignation, the House Intelligence chair reminded us no indictment doesn't mean no evidence.
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Adam Schiff's Clapback at Republicans Lays Out the Case for Releasing the Mueller Report
Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, just reminded us that no indictment doesn't mean no evidence. William Barr's summary of the Mueller Report makes no mention of the Trump Tower meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer; the Trump Tower Moscow deal; that an intermediary promised Donald Trump, Jr. " dirt" on Hillary Clinton; or Paul Manafort sending campaign polling data to an associate linked to Russian intelligence services. These are all things the public has a right to know about. Read More
This Us Fan Theory Says Jordan Peele's Movie Is Connected to Halloween
Nearly a week after its release, fans are still coming up with some pretty interesting theories about Peele's dense horror film Us. The latest one says that Michael Myers from Halloween is a Tethered. Yes, it's crazy, but when you look at some of the details it actually makes sense. Read More
The Best Players from Baseball Movies: A Starting Lineup
I know the term "Golden Age" gets thrown around too much, but the '80s and early '90s really were the Golden Age of baseball movies. Then the lockout happened, and the steroids scandal, and then sabermetrics reduced the game to a math problem. Baseball, and the movies about baseball, lost some of their magic. Because much of that earlier magic came from those fictional players, we asked the question: what if we could assemble an all-star team of fictitious ball players. Read More
Cersei Lannister Will Win Season Eight Because This Is Game of Thrones
Remarkable loss and misery has not softened Queen Cersei Lannister. Rather, her need for revenge consumes her. "I lie in bed and stare at the canopy," she admits in Season Seven after taking Ellaria Sand and her daughter captive, "and imagine ways of killing my enemies." Cersei will get her way in Season Eight, make no mistake. When Game of Thrones wraps, it will do so with the Mad Queen still in power. Read More
Justin Bieber Got Stopped by the Cops Because of the 'Security Tag' on His Off-White Nikes
We suffer for fashion. Not always. But ask anyone who's ever broken in a pair of raw jeans or lined up overnight for a sneaker release: We suffer. And the latest person to fall victim to the cruelties one must endure to stunt on the homies is Justin Bieber. Read More
The Right Way to Go 'Sockless' This Spring and Summer
Your ankles have suffered long enough—it's time to let them run free for summer. But while we love the sockless look paired with cool loafers or sneakers, the sartorial choice isn't so easy on your shoes. Your solution: no-show socks. Read More
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